Closed Bug 624013 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

"Sign in with Mozilla" design


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: hello, Assigned: smartell)


For the upcoming Mozilla ID service we need a button which we will have sites place on their pages. We aren't sure what kind of design might work best, so at this stage we'd like to see a few mockups. Some of the choices we've been thinking of: [l]Sign in [l]Sign in with Mozilla [l]Mozilla Sign-in where [l] is a logo--perhaps the Mozilla logo, or perhaps something else like a key. It might also be useful to mock up a pop-up that might come up when clicking the button. Click the one in the Facebook page below for an example. On this page we could have a bit more text, and could say something like "Sign in with your Mozilla Account" for example. This page could also play on the logo from the button. Examples: (bottom)
A note about timing: We would like to have a public release of the service around mid-Q1, and so we need to have the branding ready (or close to) before then. In the meantime we can use placeholders, so this doesn't block development.
Sean, this is the end result of the ID naming discussion we had today. I can fill you in on the details...let's talk soon.
Assignee: jslater → smartell
Howdy! Any updates here?
Sorry, this got buried under some Fx4 work...will pick things up with Sean again. Thanks for the reminder-
Here's the project page: Though maybe that's too much info, I'm not sure. Also, I've pinged chowse about working on UX flows and mockups, but for initial branding/design work on the button itself I don't think you should need those.
That plus the info in comment #0 is very helpful, thanks Dan. Will follow up with Sean and we'll be in touch soon. One more thing - do you have a specific deadline for this? That would really help me prioritize this vs all the other work we have going on now.
Dan, any word on that deadline?
Hey, our first milestone is in 2 weeks. I'd like to have some button options before then. I expect we'll need a couple of iterations, so how about a first cut a week from now? Does that sound reasonable?
Curious, is this the same as bug 648386?
Yes, pretty much.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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