Closed Bug 62735 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Getting POP mail doesn't work with de-AT Language Pack


(Mozilla Localizations :: de / German, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gerd.flender, Assigned: kairo)




(Keywords: helpwanted)

From Bugzilla Helper German: proposed Product: MailNews proposed Component: Localization User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; WinNT4.0; de-AT; m18) Gecko/20001211 BuildID: Nightly 20001211 Nach der Installation der deutschen Lokalisierung (de-at) für die Nighly-Builds, funktioniert das Abrufen von Mails nicht mehr. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Mozilla Nightly installieren 2. de-at für Nightly von installieren 3. Neues Profil mit Sprache "Deutsch" anlegen 4. In Mail/News wechseln 5. Mail-Abruf über POP einrichten 6. Nachrichten abrufen (z.b. über STRG-T oder entspr. Button oder Menü). Actual Results: Nichts :-) Expected Results: Eigentlich sollten dann die Mails vom Server abgerufen werden. (In einem Profil ohne Lokalisierung funktioniert es)
Warning add child failed!! *** Failed to load overlay chrome://messenger/content/mailWindowOverlay.xul Warning add child failed!! In SortColumn SetupCommandUpdateHandlers ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "IsGetNewMessagesEnabled is not defined" {file: "chrome://messenger/content/mail3PaneWindowCommands.js" line: 304}] [nsIController::isCommandEnabled]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js :: goUpdateCommand :: line 57" data: yes] ************************************************************ An error occurred updating the cmd_getNewMessages command ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "IsGetNextNMessagesEnabled is not defined" {file: "chrome://messenger/content/mail3PaneWindowCommands.js" line: 306}] [nsIController::isCommandEnabled]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js :: goUpdateCommand :: line 57" data: yes] ************************************************************ An error occurred updating the cmd_getNextNMessages command ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "[JavaScript Error: "IsEmptyTrashEnabled is not defined" {file: "chrome://messenger/content/mail3PaneWindowCommands.js" line: 308}] [nsIController::isCommandEnabled]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.js :: goUpdateCommand :: line 57" data: yes] (more errors like these follow) While in En-US I only get: In SortColumn SetupCommandUpdateHandlers in SetSecurityButton in showthreads imap:// ...
Ever confirmed: true
Upps, forgot to add a comment. I get this console output with German localization when opening the mail window while en-US doesn't give error messages.
I see that this bug is happening to two of you, I also have the XPI Pack installed, and I don't see the bug... it works for me on 2000-12-11-12 with current de-AT XPI Pack applied.
Is this still happening?
WFM, I guess it was a bad build. Reporter still seeing this?
I can still reproduce this bug with the actual nightly (20001217)
Gerd, is this nightly 200121706 with new 2000-12-17-06 de-AT XPI Pack? OS is NT4? Sebastian, you also on win32? And still working on the same build with en-US?
I can still see this bug with the de-AT XPI Pack in the nightly "20010116". Still this bug does not occur in the same build with the standard en-us environment. Once again, system ist NT4 SP6. Trying to get mail by the button "Nachr. abrufen" or with over the main-menu "Datei/Neue Nachrichten abrufen". Also "STRG-T" does not work nor clicking on "Nachrichten für Account abrufen" in the popup-menu does anything.
Hmm, have you tried if this also occurs in 0.7? If it doesn't happen there, I assume, this could be another bug caused by bug 60900 or the underlying bug 61626 - which would be quite bad, but could easily be possible!
Ok, I tried it with Mozilla 0.7 and it also accurs there. Do you have any idea where it comes from, besides the other bugs you mentioned? Is there a way for me to get more information on this error for you?
Hmm, I have no idea why this could be happening. Could you please try if it also happens with other language packs on 0.7? (Other localisations don't have nightly xpi's...) This still is working for me on 2001-02-18-06 Linux, and MailNews forntend should be XP, AFAIK...
I think I'll need help from outside, therefore changing summary to be readable by English speaking people :)
Summary: Abrufen von Mails funktioniert nicht → Getting POP mail doesn't work with de-AT Language Pack
Works with Win98 and current nightlies here.
I have the same problem. I changed to the english language and created the pop-account. After that, I changed to the german language and now I can use the Account.
Hmm, could someone please try to reproduce this with a new nightly pack (2001-03-18-09 or later)? From Roger's comment I suppose that at account creation, the localized build writes something that it can't understand later... hmm, I hope we'll find out...
*** Bug 77189 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Changing to OS=all because 77189 had been reported on Linux. I still have no clue why this is happening, adding helpwanted keyword. Perhaps anybody else can help finding out what's happening here...
Keywords: helpwanted
OS: Windows NT → All
Depends on: 81914
Ich habe mal in messenger/ die Ordnernamen auf die englischen Bezeichnungen zurückgeändert, könnte jemand mit einem Nightly XPI Pack 2001-06-10-06 (oder später) probieren, ob er dem Fehler noch sieht? Das ist natürlich nicht die endgültige Lösung, aber eine zeitweilige, bis Bug 81914 gelöst ist.
*** Bug 88234 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Dies sollte mit dem neuen XPI Nightly Pack 2002-03-12-05 funktionieren (NICHT mit 0.9.9, der bald auch auf Deutsch herauskommt, aber am "trunk" für 1.0!) - auch mit deutschsprachigen Ordnernamen! Ich will das aber erst als FIXED markieren, wenn es auch vernünftig überprüft wurde.
OK, habe keine gegenteiligen Nachrichten mehr gehört, und bei mir funktioniert's seit einiger Zeit perfekt. FIXED.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
starting verifying marathon, expect more mails to come: => VERIFIED
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