Bug 629460
Opened 14 years ago
Updated 3 months ago
Do not automatically mark message as read if the user initiates a drag operation
(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: themoz, Unassigned)
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100914 Firefox/3.6.10
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100915 Thunderbird/3.1.4
During the time necessary to move an unread message to a new folder by way of a drag-and-drop operation, the message is routinely marked as read by the "automatically mark messages as read" functionality.
When moving an unread message to a new folder, I usually want to retain the unread indicator on the message. Because the timer expires during the drag operation, thereby marking the message as read, I have to navigate to the destination folder after completing the drop and reset the unread status.
I recommend that the behavior be changed so that the automatic-read function would not occur if the user initiates a drag operation before the timer expires.
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Find an unread message
2. Start dragging the message to a new folder
3. If you take more than a second to do this (by default), the message will be marked unread
Actual Results:
The actual behavior cause a silly rush to beat the one-second timer. But I don't want to increase the timer because I want it to be 1 second in the normal selecting-the-message context.
Expected Results:
Ideally, the message would not be marked as read if I am busy dragging the message to a new folder.
Comment 1•14 years ago
What happens if you change the timer in Tools -> options -> advanced -> reading
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•14 years ago
I should clarify that in all other contexts (other than dragging a message to a new folder), I -want- a 1-second timer for automatically marking a message read. So disabling that function, or changing the timer to a higher value is a disappointing concession.
Comment 3•11 years ago
This might be hard, but I suggest this is a bug.
Only mark messages as read on mouseup if message is in the same folder, i.e not moved?
Severity: enhancement → normal
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 7 → All
This only happens if a single message is selected. Then it is shown in the message pane. While dragged it is marked as read. Not sure if we can detect a drag operation is in progress and prevent the marking.
Comment 5•11 years ago
I'd argue that the issue here is that we load a message on mouse-down, not mouse-up.
Comment 7•11 years ago
Not anytime soon, I don't think. We'd probably need to change how XUL trees work. Which is fine, since they're not ux-consistent with Windows or Linux in this regard. But XUL trees are a bit scary...
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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