Closed Bug 629598 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

check dongle on talos-r3-snow-014 ("failing "test_acceleration.html | Acceleration enabled on x86-64 OS X" in mochitests-3")


(Infrastructure & Operations :: RelOps: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sgautherie, Assigned: zandr)



(Whiteboard: [badslave?][slaveduty][buildslaves])

Moved from (SeaMonkey) bug 628589.
Go on, give us a clue why this filed here and what you think is wrong, or might be looked at. All out of psychic to interpret the summary.
(In reply to comment #2) > give us a clue why this filed here Because I assume this is affecting this box only. > and what you think is wrong, or might be looked at. I have no idea. NB: Bug 629596 hints at "resolution change", fwiw.
Wish there was some way to link to buildapi search fields - and search for "-3". The test landed on the 20th, this slave passed it five times, then something changed with this slave, and only this slave, and since the 25th (when the resolution change happened, I think) it has failed all five times it ran this test, three on m-c which wound up in bug 628589, two on TM one of which I filed as bug 629596, not realizing it was a single slave doing all the failing, and one of which I ignored. To the best of my knowledge, there weren't any other failures in this test, so it's just this one slave for which hw-accel is not enabled.
Odds are, Joe could say what might be causing a single slave to either not have accel enabled, or to think it doesn't.
talos-r3-snow-014 is currently running at 1680x1050 pixels. It should be 1600x1200 per bug 622229. I'll check if it has a problem syncing with puppet, which is how the resolution change was deployed.
Summary: [talos-r3-snow-014, Firefox] mochitests-3: (random or permanent?) "test_acceleration.html | Acceleration enabled on x86-64 OS X" → talos-r3-snow-014 is failing "test_acceleration.html | Acceleration enabled on x86-64 OS X" in mochitests-3
Whiteboard: [badslave?]
Looks fine from a puppet point of view. It has the right copy of /Library/LaunchAgents/cscreen.resize.plist but that's not setting the resolution. It also has a wifi network dialog up and the dock showing, so over to Armen.
Assignee: nobody → armenzg
Blocks: 622229
Priority: -- → P2
buildbot is disabled on that box in the meantime.
Blocks: 629616
No longer blocks: 629616
Thanks Nick. I will look at it.
Priority: P2 → P3
Whiteboard: [badslave?] → [badslave?][slaveduty][buildslaves]
One possibility is that the dongle on this slave is faulty or has fallen out. The resolution change is independent of acceleration status, and only affects whether acceleration affects reftests.
Priority: P3 → P2
Armen: any update on this? Should we be asking IT to check the dongle?
I will ask them on Monday. I was supposed to do this today but I got derailed with jetpack debugging.
zandr, could you please get the dongle of this machine to be installed or checked? I only get 4 different screen resolutions instead of dozens which means there is no dongle connected.
Assignee: armenzg → server-ops-releng
Component: Release Engineering → Server Operations: RelEng
Priority: P2 → --
QA Contact: release → zandr
Summary: talos-r3-snow-014 is failing "test_acceleration.html | Acceleration enabled on x86-64 OS X" in mochitests-3 → check dongle on talos-r3-snow-014 ("failing "test_acceleration.html | Acceleration enabled on x86-64 OS X" in mochitests-3")
reseated the dongle, did that fix it?
It did, thanks. It's running at 1600x1200, 60Hz now, and there the many resolution options expected. I've connected it back up to production.
Assignee: server-ops-releng → zandr
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No longer blocks: 628589
Component: Server Operations: RelEng → RelOps
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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