Closed Bug 640568 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

[nl] update features page for Firefox 4


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Assigned: pascalc)




(Whiteboard: [l10n])

Ton do you have time for this?
Yes, I’ll start working on it tomorrow if that’s OK.
Ton, I added a few variables apart in index.html that are used in a table automatically generated in the page, please update them as well :) I also changed paragraph order in the file and changed some markup, don't forget to svn up if you haven't started yet. Thanks!
Checkin created r85714 for both drafts.
can I mark this one fixed or will you work more on the page before the release?
I won’t be able to do any edits until the scheduled release hour, but I’d say it looks acceptable. Maybe it could use some polishment afterwards? Tim, others?
looking to the svn files ( i don't find the staging site at this moment): it looks ok. thanks ton
I found the stage site :-) (thanks Milos) and did a small edit. r86016 Ton, i couldn't reach you so if you think it is not ok we will discus this on irc and find a better translation.
thanks, I will push that in an hour, of course as usual, we can update the translation as often as you wish, but for this release, I will probably keep the public site fozen for like 6 hours after we ship, that means updates would be possible on production around 19h CET. Marking fixed
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Pascal you didn't use the latest rev :-(
the updates to production were blocked for a while, I am updating from trunk again now
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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