Closed Bug 643486 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Creation of mozilla.reps.council discussion group (note special info in comment #1 and #2)


( :: Discussion Forums, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pierros, Assigned: jlaz)


In order to accommodate the operations of ReMo Council we would like to have a mailing list/discussion group under the handle : Also, just for reference although the archives will be public, we will restrict the membership only to members of the council. But that is something that should be done by the list administrator, right? List administrator should be me ( and William Quiviger (
This would be mozilla.reps.council, and therefore But I'm not certain you can restrict the group posting privileges in the way you want. justdave: is it possible to have one of our standard groups which has the following properties: - Whitelist of permitted posters - all other mail bounced ? If the archives are public in news and GG, there's no point in stopping people _joining_ the list and receiving the messages via email. But we want people who try and post to get a polite message explaining that this is not possible. Gerv
yes, that can be done. See for example setup.
OK, great. Lets go ahead with mozilla.reps.council, then. Gerv
Summary: Creation of Mozilla Reps Council mailing list → Creation of mozilla.reps.council discussion group (note special info in comment #1 and #2)
List and newsgroup created, Google group should be set up shortly. I'll mimic the settings on announce@
Assignee: gerv → jlazaro
reps-council should now mimic the settings of announce@
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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