Closed Bug 652595 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Join Mozilla - Firefox-ification of the hang tag


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jane, Assigned: ltom)



No description provided.
After several weeks of the Join Mozilla program being live we have reached a conclusion that we need to have a stronger affiliation and connection to the Firefox brand to make the program successful. Currently the landing page and other materials have a strong Mozilla "red/grey" look and feel - which is a disjointed experience for a Firefox user interested in joining and coming from a call to action on the Mozilla Firefox site. We'd like to keep the overall program structure of the same, but have it graphically be more in keeping with We're keen to change the Join Mozilla t-shirt hang-tag to be more representative of Firefox. The copy is fine, we only need to change the background imagery and colour palette to follow the new direction of being reworked in bug 652231 The design should include the Firefox logo, we'd like to keep the people in the background if possible. Current design can be found here: Timing: we are looking to get the new design as soon as possible please.
Assignee: tshahian → jslater
Summary: Join Mozilla - Firefox-ification of the han → Join Mozilla - Firefox-ification of the hang tag
Assignee: jslater → ltom
Blocks: 652975
thanks Lee. The grey looks a little heavy. It there a way to lighten it on the front side? Had you considered other palettes? thanks - its looking super though!!
Thanks Jane, and good call. Looking at a thumbnail of my mockup - I agree that the greys could be lighter. Stay tuned for next rounds...!
Lee, let me know if you want to finish this one up (since you've already started) or outsource to another designer.
These are pretty much finished. Here's a redo of the mockups: - Lightened up the greys per Jane's suggestion via Comment comment 3. I can post PSDs asap, if everyone is happy with these. Thanks!
Lee, this looks super. I had two last bits to cover.. Front: Chelsea, in the copy at the bottom it says " can do the web a solid by telling your family, friends and strangers." Should there be a "favor" in there? Wanted to check before we finish up. Back: Under the "Mark a promise or a pledge - the more creative the better" - the second line looks a little squished Lee, please could we add a tiny bit more room between the two lines? thanks
No problem. I'll adjust the leading on the back, Jane. Chelsea, let me know what you'd like to do w/ the copy on the front, and I can pack these up!
Hey Jane, If doing a solid is too much hipster lingo, then favor works for me :) Cheers, C
how about "a solid favor..."? :P
:) Favor is fine (though it pains me to write it without a "U"). While you're amending text, can you change "Hugs" to "Thanks" on the back of the tag. I still think it's cute, but it may be too cute. :) Thanks! C
me too (re: without a "u") and obviously Chelsea you are way too cool... ;) Thank you Lee for making those final changes.
super thanks Lee. Chelsea - are you OK to take these now?
Hey guys. Let us know if we're good to close here.
+1 from me. thanks.
Thanks. Looks good to me too. Chelsea, let us know if there are any red flags. Otherwise, Closing :)
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Good to close. Thank you guys!
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