Closed Bug 653971 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Mac XULRunner packaging broken by bug 386760


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)

Not set


(firefox5+ fixed, firefox6 fixed)

Tracking Status
firefox5 + fixed
firefox6 --- fixed


(Reporter: philor, Assigned: robert.strong.bugs)



(Keywords: regression)


(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

cd ../../dist && (cd universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-6.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS && /tools/buildbot/bin/python2.6 /builds/slave/cen-osx64-xr/build/config/ && /builds/slave/cen-osx64-xr/build/build/package/mac_osx/pkg-dmg --source "universal/xulrunner-pkg" --target "xulrunner-6.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.dmg" --volname "XULRunner" 
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-6.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS: No such file or directory
(the last one before bug 386760 landed)

cd ../../dist && /builds/slave/cen-osx64-xr/build/build/package/mac_osx/pkg-dmg --source "universal/xulrunner-pkg" --target "xulrunner-2.2a1pre.en-US.mac-pkg.dmg" --volname "XULRunner" 
mktemp -d pkg-dmg.71204.XXXXXXXX
Blocks: 653432
Can we prioritize this bug... It is preventing us as addon developers to be ready for the Firefox 5 launch on the Mac environment.
Nick, I'm going to take a look at what's going on here but I wondered if you might already know since I'm unfamiliar with Mac XULRunner?
Now that omnijar is on by default this is failing earlier on when trying to optimize the jar files. :(
I don't think so... I'm just compiling xulrunner and I suspect that fixes a similar issue when compiling xullrunner + app.
Errors with Mac xulrunner universal latest trunk

Creating package directory...
/opt/local/bin/python2.6 /moz/_1_mozilla-central/mozilla/config/ --optimize /moz/_1_mozilla-central/xr-universal/i386/xulrunner/installer/../../jarlog/ ../../dist/bin/chrome ../../dist/universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS/chrome
signing nss libraries
moduleSpec configdir='' certPrefix='' keyPrefix='' secmod='' flags=noCertDB, noModDB
Generate a DSA key pair ... 
../../dist/universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS/libsoftokn3.dylib: -5950: File not found
moduleSpec configdir='' certPrefix='' keyPrefix='' secmod='' flags=noCertDB, noModDB
Generate a DSA key pair ... 
../../dist/universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS/libnssdbm3.dylib: -5950: File not found
Removing unpackaged files...
cd ../../dist/universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS; rm -rf xulrunner-config regchrome* regxpcom*  core bsdecho gtscc js js-config jscpucfg nsinstall viewer TestGtkEmbed codesighs* elf-dynstr-gc mangle* maptsv* mfc* mkdepend* msdump* msmap* nm2tsv* nsinstall* res/samples res/throbber shlibsign* ssltunnel* certutil* pk12util* winEmbed.exe chrome/chrome.rdf chrome/app-chrome.manifest chrome/overlayinfo components/compreg.dat components/xpti.dat content_unit_tests necko_unit_tests *.dSYM 
/moz/_1_mozilla-central/xr-universal/i386/config/nsinstall -D ../../dist/
cd ../../dist && (cd universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS && rm -f omni.jar components/binary.manifest && grep -h '^binary-component' components/*.manifest > binary.manifest ; sed -e 's/^binary-component/#binary-component/' components/components.manifest > components.manifest && mv components.manifest components && zip -r9m omni.jar chrome chrome.manifest components/*.js components/*.xpt components/*.manifest modules res defaults greprefs.js jsloader  -x chrome/icons/\* defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js res/cursors/\* res/MainMenu.nib/\*  && true && /opt/local/bin/python2.6 /moz/_1_mozilla-central/mozilla/config/ --optimize /moz/_1_mozilla-central/xr-universal/i386/xulrunner/installer/../../jarlog/ ./ ./ && mv binary.manifest components && printf "manifest components/binary.manifest\n" > chrome.manifest) && (cd universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS && /opt/local/bin/python2.6 /moz/_1_mozilla-central/mozilla/config/ && /moz/_1_mozilla-central/mozilla/build/package/mac_osx/pkg-dmg --source "universal/xulrunner-pkg" --target "xulrunner-7.0a1.en-US.mac-pkg.dmg" --volname "XULRunner" 
grep: components/*.manifest: No such file or directory
sed: components/components.manifest: No such file or directory
make[2]: *** [make-package] Error 1
make[1]: *** [default] Error 2
make: *** [package] Error 2
tracking 5 because this breaks major add-ons.
Attached patch patch rev1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
This fixes building with omnijar which I believe is the default now and the generation of the precomplete file. Still need to check building with omnijar disabled but I'd like to get your take on this since I'm not very familiar with universal builds.
Assignee: nobody → robert.bugzilla
Attachment #536993 - Flags: review?(ted.mielczarek)
Comment on attachment 536993 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev1

I think that the changes to config/ aren't needed though I am not positive.
It also appears that omnijar being turned on by default broke the generation of the binary.manifest from the components.manifest

sed: components/components.manifest: No such file or directory

cc'ing glandium

Mike, the Mac xulrunner nightly builds are broken in part due to bug 620931. I believe the attached patch minus the changes to are all that is needed to fix this bug for both MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni and MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=jar builds but I haven't looked into why it is having problem with the components.manifest with just MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni.
Attached patch patch rev2Splinter Review
Attachment #536993 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #536993 - Flags: review?(ted.mielczarek)
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(ted.mielczarek)
Comment on attachment 537053 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev2

Nick, is there any way you can check to see if this fixes the xulrunner build and mar generation.
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(nrthomas)
(In reply to comment #10)
> Mike, the Mac xulrunner nightly builds are broken in part due to bug 620931.
> I believe the attached patch minus the changes to are
> all that is needed to fix this bug for both MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni and
> MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=jar builds but I haven't looked into why it is having
> problem with the components.manifest with just MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni.

Probably due to how PACK_OMNIJAR is defined in toolkit/mozapps/installer/ (it should be using $(ZIP) and $(UNZIP), btw)
I can certainly try a xulrunner build to get a dmg + SDKs with this patch, but I'm not sure what you mean about mar generation. We don't create those for XR.
(In reply to comment #14)
> I can certainly try a xulrunner build to get a dmg + SDKs with this patch,
> but I'm not sure what you mean about mar generation. We don't create those
> for XR.
Thanks Nick... since mars aren't generated I'm tempted not to create the precomplete file. What do you think?
btw: no need to try out the patch since mars aren't generated.
I've verified that both MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=jar and MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni build and package correctly with the patch though the second time packaging with MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni fails. This is due to it modifying the files in dist/universal/xulrunner/XUL.framwork. I'll take a look at what we do for app omnijar packaging to see if there is an obvious fix.
Comment on attachment 537053 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev2

I took this patch for a spin in a staging instance of the buildbot, on top of m-c rev a52b04dc29ea. It completed make package, and the following step 'make -f sdk', without errors. It does expose a problem with the buildbot setup which is filed as bug 661792,

FWIW, I think we're also hitting the manifest error
 sed: can't read components/components.manifest: No such file or directory
on windows m-c xulrunner, but not on linux.
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(nrthomas) → review+
(In reply to comment #17)
> I've verified that both MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=jar and
> MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni build and package correctly with the patch
> though the second time packaging with MOZ_CHROME_FILE_FORMAT=omni fails.
> This is due to it modifying the files in
> dist/universal/xulrunner/XUL.framwork. I'll take a look at what we do for
> app omnijar packaging to see if there is an obvious fix.

Bug 600832 has a work around for this - making the postflight_all target again before calling package.
Thanks a lot for doing all of this Nick!
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(khuey)
Comment on attachment 537053 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev2

Hardcoding it might be a little ugly but we need to fix this for 5 and this is good enough IMO.
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(khuey) → review+
Pushed to mozilla-central

note: it is hardcoded here as well

I also pushed to try to check if this would have any adverse affect on mobile packaging (didn't think it would... just wanted to be safe)
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Not related to this bug but bug 661910 also has a problem with reading the components.manifest except it is on windows where xulrunner doesn't have any binary components.
Comment on attachment 537053 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev2

Drivers, this is a xulrunner only one line change and is needed so the sdk is built.
Attachment #537053 - Flags: review?(ted.mielczarek)
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Comment on attachment 537053 [details] [diff] [review]
patch rev2

Yes, we want this for [5] Beta and [6] Aurora.
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta+
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Attachment #537053 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora+
Before the patch landed

cd ../../dist && (cd universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-6.0a2.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS && rm -f omni.jar components/binary.manifest && grep -h '^binary-component' components/*.manifest > binary.manifest ; sed -e 's/^binary-component/#binary-component/' components/components.manifest > components.manifest && mv components.manifest components && zip -r9m omni.jar chrome chrome.manifest components/*.js components/*.xpt components/*.manifest modules res defaults greprefs.js jsloader  -x chrome/icons/\* defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js res/cursors/\* res/MainMenu.nib/\*  && true && /tools/buildbot/bin/python2.6 /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/config/ --optimize /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/obj-firefox/i386/xulrunner/installer/../../jarlog/ ./ ./ && mv binary.manifest components && printf "manifest components/binary.manifest\n" > chrome.manifest) && (cd universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-6.0a2.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS && /tools/buildbot/bin/python2.6 /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/config/ && /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/build/package/mac_osx/pkg-dmg --source "universal/xulrunner-pkg" --target "xulrunner-6.0a2.en-US.mac-pkg.dmg" --volname "XULRunner" 
/bin/sh: line 0: cd: universal/xulrunner/xulrunner-6.0a2.en-US.mac-pkg.pkg/Contents/MacOS: No such file or directory
sed: components/components.manifest: No such file or directory
<a name='err1'></a><font color='000080'>make[2]: *** [make-package] Error 1
</font><font color='000080'>make[1]: *** [default] Error 2
</font><font color='000080'>make: *** [package] Error 2
</font>program finished with exit code 2

After the patch landed

cd ../../dist/universal/xulrunner/XUL.framework/Versions/Current; rm -rf xulrunner-config regchrome* regxpcom*  core bsdecho gtscc js js-config jscpucfg nsinstall viewer TestGtkEmbed codesighs* elf-dynstr-gc mangle* maptsv* mfc* mkdepend* msdump* msmap* nm2tsv* nsinstall* res/samples res/throbber shlibsign* ssltunnel* certutil* pk12util* winEmbed.exe chrome/chrome.rdf chrome/app-chrome.manifest chrome/overlayinfo components/compreg.dat components/xpti.dat content_unit_tests necko_unit_tests *.dSYM 
/builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/obj-firefox/i386/config/nsinstall -D ../../dist/
cd ../../dist &amp;&amp; (cd universal/xulrunner/XUL.framework/Versions/Current &amp;&amp; rm -f omni.jar components/binary.manifest &amp;&amp; grep -h '^binary-component' components/*.manifest > binary.manifest ; sed -e 's/^binary-component/#binary-component/' components/components.manifest > components.manifest &amp;&amp; mv components.manifest components &amp;&amp; zip -r9m omni.jar chrome chrome.manifest components/*.js components/*.xpt components/*.manifest modules res defaults greprefs.js jsloader  -x chrome/icons/\* defaults/pref/channel-prefs.js res/cursors/\* res/MainMenu.nib/\*  &amp;&amp; true &amp;&amp; /tools/buildbot/bin/python2.6 /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/config/ --optimize /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/obj-firefox/i386/xulrunner/installer/../../jarlog/ ./ ./ &amp;&amp; mv binary.manifest components &amp;&amp; printf "manifest components/binary.manifest\n" > chrome.manifest) &amp;&amp; (cd universal/xulrunner/XUL.framework/Versions/Current &amp;&amp; /tools/buildbot/bin/python2.6 /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/config/ &amp;&amp; /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/build/build/package/mac_osx/pkg-dmg --source "universal/xulrunner-pkg" --target "xulrunner-6.0a2.en-US.mac-pkg.dmg" --volname "XULRunner" 

There is also the following that appears to be breaking uploading the build which is not related to this bug or bug 386760 that also affects 1.9.1, 1.9.2, and 2.0 where bug 386760 did not land.

======== BuildStep started ========
find filepath failed
=== Output ===
bash -c 'find build/obj-firefox/i386/dist -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *.dmg'
 in dir /builds/slave/aurora-osx64-xr/. (timeout 1200 secs)
 watching logfiles {}
 argv: ['bash', '-c', 'find build/obj-firefox/i386/dist -maxdepth 1 -type f -name *.dmg']
 using PTY: False
program finished with exit code 0
=== Output ended ===
======== BuildStep ended ========
======== BuildStep started ========
maybe rebooting slave lost
=== Output ===
=== Output ended ===
======== BuildStep ended ========
The filepath failure is bug 661792, which should be fixed in tomorrows builds.
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


