Closed Bug 656318 Opened 14 years ago Closed 13 years ago

manage pane should use the hierarchical design


(Mozilla QA Graveyard :: MozTrap, enhancement)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: camd, Unassigned)


Some objects that need to be managed are hierarchical in nature like products / cycles / runs / suites / testcases. But some don't fall into that as easily: environments / users Perhaps we should consider breaking up the object management into "manage" for hierarchical and "config" for users and environments. Or perhaps we can provide a UI that can do both in one pane?
A Pivotal Tracker story has been created for this Bug:
Cameron Dawson changed story state to unstarted in Pivotal Tracker
Carl Meyer changed story state to started in Pivotal Tracker
Carl Meyer added a comment in Pivotal Tracker: Ok, hierarchical nav on manage section is active. The suites section isn't getting any styling (so for instance the "goto" link isn't visible, though its there in the markup). And the "slide" isn't happening (though I dunno if its needed with four columns or not). Also, the finder isn't currently "preset" at all based on what page you're on. I'm not sure how that should work, or if its necessary/worth it. It could only meaningfully take effect if you're on a particular list, already filtered by "parent" item. But since the hierarchical nav is hidden by default and manually expanded, I think its just as natural for it to always be "from-the-top" nav and not try to be contextual. Thoughts on that welcome.
Cameron Dawson added a comment in Pivotal Tracker: Carl: I think it's fine without presetting the hierarchical browser. Let's use it as is, and if it feels like that's needed, we'll work on it then. It feels great to me at this point.
Eric Meyer added a comment in Pivotal Tracker: Carl: I don't see the supposed styling error on Suites, and can't think of any reason that section would be treated different from any other.
Carl Meyer added a comment in Pivotal Tracker: Eric: suites are definitely styled differently than the other three (smaller font). But you're right, on closer inspection the styling isn't actually broken, the goto link is there its just not visible because the JS slide isn't happening.
Carl Meyer added a comment in Pivotal Tracker: I'm still not sure we need the slide, but if we don't use it, we need the Suites box to always open "narrow" (i.e. the width normally used for unfocused). It's kind of wasteful to have it open big anyway because there's only one column; the name. All the extra width does is push the goto link out of sight.
Eric Meyer changed story state to finished in Pivotal Tracker
Carl Meyer changed story state to delivered in Pivotal Tracker
Cameron Dawson changed story state to accepted in Pivotal Tracker
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Mozilla QA → Mozilla QA Graveyard
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