Closed Bug 662653 Opened 14 years ago Closed 14 years ago

Browser window sometimes painted partly "focused" and partly "unfocused" on first launch


(Core :: Widget: Cocoa, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: jrmuizel, Unassigned)


This looks pretty bad, and can show up at first run.
Which version of OS X were you using? Can you attach a screen shot?
I noticed it on 10.7, I'm not sure if it happens elsewhere.
I've now seen this myself (also on OS X 10.7). But I'm pretty sure I remember seeing it on other versions of OS X (10.5 and up). It's quite a subtle bug, and doesn't happen all the time. Here's what I did: 1) Download a new FF distro and copy the binary somewhere on your hard drive. 2) Double-click on the binary The first time you do this, the OS will pop up a dialog warning that your application has been downloaded from the internet, and asking if you want to open it. If you click "open", Firefox will run *but it won't have the application focus*. Now you'll sometimes see the Default Browser dialog/sheet. Since Firefox isn't the currently focused application, the titlebar will have its "unfocused" color -- as appropriate. But (and here's the bug) the rest of Firefox will have its "focused" color.
Summary: Title bar is painted a different color than chrome when default browser warning sheet. → Browser window sometimes painted partly "focused" and partly "unfocused" on first launch
I've just seen this with a recent nightly on OS X 10.5. But I suspect it's a very old bug.
It *is* an old bug: I've now seen it in both FF 3.6.17 and FF 3.5.19 (on OS X 10.5.8). Markus, is this something you might be able to take? I know you've worked on this kind of thing in the past. If not, I can take it myself. I don't consider it urgent.
(In reply to comment #5) > I don't consider it urgent. You're not alone.
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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