Closed Bug 6651 Opened 26 years ago Closed 25 years ago

Seamonkey doesn't display POP3 mail server warning messages


(MailNews Core :: Networking, defect, P3)

Windows 98


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pmock, Assigned: mscott)



(Whiteboard: [PR1])

Build: Win32 May 17 (1999051708) Seamonkey build installed on Gateway P200, Win98 Linux May 17 (1999051708) Seamonkey build installed on Compaq P200, Redhat 5.2 PPC May 17 (1999051709) Seamonkey build installed on PPC 8500/180, Mac OS 8.51 Problem: Seamonkey is not displaying warning messages from the mail server, specifically the error messages that the mail account is locked by another mail session. This situation occurs on Netscape 3.x Mail servers when someone is trying to Get Msg on the same test account using POP and IMAP. The error message that is displayed in Communicator 4.51 reads, "Could not log into the mail server. The mail server responded: Your mail account is locked by another mail session ...please wait a few (up to 10) minutes and try again. Please enter a new password for user ..." This issue is confusing to the user since Seamonkey doesn't give you any feedback and it leaves the user to guess why their Get msg operation failed. We ran into this problem when people tried using the same test account without knowing it. Note: I was able to reproduce our test server "zia" running 3.x Netscape mail server but have not been able to reproduce on Nsmail-2 running a 4.x mail server Steps to reproduce problem: 0) Mail server info Incoming server: Outgoing server: test account: test02 password: netscape email: 1) Configure your seamonkey prefs50.js for this mail account for POP3 2) On another machine, configure Commmunicator/Seamonkey for the same mail account except for IMAP 3) On the IMAP client, retrieve mail 4) On the POP client, try to retrieve mail by clicking on the Get Msg button Nothing happens, no error message 5) Exit the IMAP client 6) On the POP client, try to retrieve mail again Now mail messages are retrieved.
Target Milestone: M9
we don't have dialogs hooked up to mozilla anywhere in the product including mail protocols. we also don't have status, progress, prompt for password etc. these aren't scheduled as features until m9 or m10 so I wouldn't look for seeing these types of dialogs until then. I'll mark it m9 for now...
Moving all Mail/News Networking bugs to Mail/News Networking-Mail This may re-open previously Verified bugs due to a Bugzilla bug...if so, I will fix those bugs.
Target Milestone: M9 → M10
we still don't have alert dialogs working yet. In any case this is post necko landing work so not in m9....
Whiteboard: [PR1]
I think we need warnings displayed in PR1, assuming that dialogs work, so I put this designation in the Status Whiteboard for this bug
I can take this for imap, anyway. Perhaps we should open a new bug for imap and leave this one for POP3. I'll do that and xref this bug.
see 11970 for imap bug. Probably need a bug for NNTP as well.
Bulk move mail/news M10 bugs to M11
Summary: Seamonkey doesn't display mail server warning messages → Seamonkey doesn't display POP3 mail server warning messages
changing summary since IMAP is done.
*** Bug 13777 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 11091
(target milestone is M11 or M12 - add to mail beta tracking bug)
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
I added all the old 4.5 status and alert messages for pop tonight. Marking this bug as fixed.
QA Contact: lchiang → huang
Take this bug for verifying since bug#11970 for IMAP and bug#11977 for NNTP all refer to this bug. Change QA Contact to me (Cc:Lisa) even it regarding to POP!!
Verified on 11-09-11-M11 build on WinNT & Linux platforms: One IMAP & one POP Clients accessed in the same account(test01) from the same server (netscape Messaging Server 3.x : Verified that the error message is displayed in 5.0 now... Passed by retesting. Mark bug as Verified!!
11-23-09-M12 build/clients info: WinNT <-> Win98 Scott, I know this bug have been fixed for the 3.01 server ( I am just wondering know whether this warning messages should display for the 4.03 server(nsmail-1)& 4.1 server(nsmail-1/nsmail-2)? it seemed this warning message only displayed on the 3.01 server. I verified on the 4.03 & 4.1 servers -> the warning not displayed.... If this dialog should displayed for all the versions' servers. I think that I am going to reopen this bug...... Can you tell me the answers? Thanks.
Sorry! The 4.1 server should be nsmail-5(tintin) or nsmail-2(dredd).
Verified on Communicator 4.7 for 4.03/nsmail-1 & 4.1/nsmail-2|nsmail-5 server. Also confirmed with Peter - This warning message only displays on the 3.01 Messaging Server/ The 4.x server won't display this warning message. Leave this bug as Verified!
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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