Bug 675142
Opened 14 years ago
Updated 12 years ago
LWN subscription
( :: Community Giving, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: sfink, Assigned: sethb)
I'd like to look into a corporate subscription to LWN. Bugzilla helpfully suggests bug 578560, which is a WONTFIX of the same thing. If this is a Foundation thing, who should I contact at the Foundation?
I have already exchanged a few emails with the LWN folks (several months ago) about this. I originally suggested that we might want to sponsor them, and they indicated that they preferred the corporate subscription mechanism. I did not discuss terms or subscription counts, though I am willing to if it would help.
I hope someone watches this component -- I notice the assignee is sethb, and I already know that's going to bounce. (I tried contacting him a while ago about this same thing.)
Comment 1•12 years ago
Gerv, has there been any movement on this bug, or is it destined to be WONTFIX'd? bug 578560 seemed to put the ball in MoFo's court.
Comment 2•12 years ago
I got permission to negotiate this, and did some work on it, including contacting LWN for quotes, but never found time to drive it to a resolution :-| If anyone else is keen to see this happen, I'm very happy to pass the information on to them, but I'm not sure I'll get to it any time soon otherwise.
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