Closed Bug 682902 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

I need a phone extension


(Mozilla Messaging Graveyard :: Server Operations, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ygjb, Unassigned)


It is hard to schedule meetings with a dial in number without one. Do remoties get a phone extension?
Hey Yvan, what kind of phone do you currently use? do you have the Polycom or the telephone app for mac?
Assignee: desktop-support → cramos
Emailed Yvan for an update.
Assignee: cramos → hlangi
Yes, you can have an extension. Did you want a softphone account or an extension for conference calls or both. Let us know what you prefer and we'll create this for you.
Assignee: hlangi → vhua
Yvan is located in Vancouver, Canada.
I would like an extension to host conference calls. I already have a softphone account.
Yvan, There is a phone server in Canada that I need to gain access to in order to create you the extension. Once I do, I will create you the extension. Will keep you posted.
It's operated by Mozilla Messaging. We haven't integrated their phone equipment with our system yet, and until we do, it has to go to them to get stuff done on it.
Assignee: vhua → nobody
Group: infra
Component: Server Operations: Desktop Issues → Server Operations
Product: → Mozilla Messaging
QA Contact: tfairfield → server-ops
Are you physically in the Vancouver office with a phone on the desk there, etc? Or just remote near that area? If the latter we should just set you up on the Mountain View server, since that's where your softphone already is.
I am physically located in the Vancouver office; if I need to wait until the renos are completed to get an extension there, that is cool. I would like to get an extension primarily for the ability to invite people to a conference call, including people who don't use Vidyo.
This will likely get sorted out with the move to the new office in a few weeks.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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