Bug 685861
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Improve experience of updating Fennec
(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: u88484, Unassigned)
The experience of updating Fennec should be improved upon. After the download completes selecting to apply the update from the notification bar there is an approximately three second delay of just looking at the homescreen, then a black screen appears for a second, back to homescreen for a second, and then the dialog appears asking to replace the application.
Forgot to mention this is on cyanogen mod 7.1 rc1 on my EVO 4G. Also happened on other versions of cyanogen mod and if I remember correctly also on the stock gingerbread rom.
Comment 2•13 years ago
Hi Kurt. Does this happen in the official Cyanogen release as well ?
While we <3 Cyanogen, we don't currently have the bandwidth to support mods officially, especially not experimental or nightly builds, since those are simply too instable. Check for details on our supported devices and Android OS versions.
I have been in touch with the Cyanogen team and community. They encourage users to report bugs with Fennec:
"We have a couple of ways to report issues, the main issue tracker on Google Code ( and #cyanogenmod/#cyanogenmod-dev on Freenode IRC"
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
I can't remember if it happens on the official cyanogen release but I'm pretty sure I've seen this behavior ever since flashing cyanogen onto my phone. I really don't have the time to go back to official release so I'll just wait until the next official release.
I just filed a bug with Cyanogen but just wanted to post my screencast of the issue here in case you can determine from it that it could be a Firefox issue.
Bug with cyanogen:
Comment 5•13 years ago
For what it's worth, the Fennec team will probably be investigating different approaches for the update path with the native Java rewrite
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