Closed Bug 690316 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Disable the what's new tab for users updating to minor/security release versions


(Thunderbird :: General, defect)

7 Branch
Not set


(thunderbird8+ fixed, thunderbird9 fixed)

Thunderbird 10.0
Tracking Status
thunderbird8 + fixed
thunderbird9 --- fixed


(Reporter: standard8, Assigned: Irving)




(1 file)

Based on what we're doing in bug 690290, I think we should have code in place not to show the what's new tab for security/minor releases, and only show it for major releases where things are actually changing. So for users updating, the map would go like follows. Assuming a 7.0.2 release is coming out: * 6.0 -> 7.0.2 get prompted (this would be the page for the 7.0 release, set up by redirects). * 7.0 -> 7.0.2 don't get prompted. * 7.0.1 -> 7.0.2 don't get prompted. Rafael: are you happy with this? If we find we need it for some reason, we can always back the code out for that release. Note that Firefox is working on a way to cover what happens at update via the update snippets that AUS sends out. They've not quite finished yet, and it'll be a few versions before we get there, so I'd like to do this as a stop-gap.
irving, could you take a look at this please, preferably in the next week, it should be an extension of the patches you've already done.
Assignee: nobody → irving
Observed a couple of quirks while working on this: 1) TB remembers open tabs across shutdown/restart, including the "What's New" tab, so if you don't explicitly close the what's new tab it stays around even after you exit and re-launch the application 2) If TB detects a version upgrade while you have an existing what's new tab hanging around, you end up with two what's new tabs rather than switching to the existing one
(In reply to Irving Reid (:irving) from comment #2) > Observed a couple of quirks while working on this: > > 1) TB remembers open tabs across shutdown/restart, including the "What's > New" tab, so if you don't explicitly close the what's new tab it stays > around even after you exit and re-launch the application I think that's fine, although if bwinton wants it dropped we can do that in a different bug. > 2) If TB detects a version upgrade while you have an existing what's new tab > hanging around, you end up with two what's new tabs rather than switching to > the existing one Yeah, that's a side effect of using redirects. I think most people will have closed the tab so we wouldn't normally get into that state.
Divides the version into three sections, for example "10.0a1" -> "10", "0", "a1" "9.0.1" => "9", "0", "1" and then only triggers what's new if either of the first two is different, ignoring the third (minor version) section
Attachment #566531 - Flags: review?
Attachment #566531 - Flags: review? → review?(mbanner)
Comment on attachment 566531 [details] [diff] [review] Only display what's new on major/medium version changes Ok, this looks fine. I was thinking that this won't display a what's new page for 10.0a1 -> 10.0a2 for example, but that doesn't actually matter as the way the channels system works means we won't normally be taking people along that route. Hence I'm happy with this as it stands.
Attachment #566531 - Flags: review?(mbanner) → review+
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Thunderbird 10.0
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-aurora?
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-beta?
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-beta+
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-aurora?
Attachment #566531 - Flags: approval-comm-aurora+
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