Closed Bug 693340 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

request for Telemetry e4x, customIter data


(Mozilla Metrics :: Data/Backend Reports, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: luke, Assigned: mroldan)


Firefox beta should now have simpleMeasurements.js.e4x and simpleMeasurements.js.customIter. These are reported on the telemetry dashboard as averages (currently 0 for both, I believe the number is being rounded). What we'd like to see is what percent of telemetry pings have exactly 0 for both of these fields. To be clear, this would be the percent of pings that do have e4x/customIter, not the percent of all pings (since this was added recently). (By the way Daves, the ping reports the number of *content* XML objects created since startup, which wouldn't included the addons that dherman just reported use e4x.)
Assignee: nobody → paula.clemente
Assignee: paula.clemente → maria.roldan
Luke, In the latest version of the dashboard (first draft available by the end of this week) we will replace the averages with percentiles. For example we will show simpleMeasurements.js.e4x: # documents / percentil 25 / percentil 50 / percentil 75 For calculating the percentiles we take just the pings that do have values. We will not show the % of pings with exactly 0, but the percentiles will help to understand the distribution. Is this ok for you? Carina
Luke, FYI the current figures are: js.customIter: # of documents with value zero = 274161 = 99.99% of total (274162) js.e4x: # of documents with value zero= 264266 = 96.39% of total (274159)
Thanks! On a side note, for a lot of the telemetry the JS team would be doing (showing that a condition rarely occurs) it would also be really useful to have 95, 96, 97, 98, 99th percentiles.
Interesting information, can you get us a list of them so we can try to include this in the next version?
Everything, really: simpleMeasurements.js.*.
Luke, in the meanwhile can we close this bug? Need something else for now?
Of course; I forgot :)
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Group: metrics-private
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