Closed Bug 694547 Opened 13 years ago Closed 5 years ago

Firefox windows are corrupting other windows


(Core :: Graphics, defect)

9 Branch
Windows XP
Not set





(Reporter: bugs, Unassigned)



(3 files)

Attached image Overwritten window
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1 Build ID: 20110928134238 Steps to reproduce: Clicking Firefox window to the background. Working in foreground window. Actual results: Foreground window of other application overwritten by contents of Firefox window. This does not happen when the Firefox window is minimized instead. Expected results: The window should not have been overwritten ! Windows XP with Nvidia 7300 GS display adapter, Nvidia drivers 275 and above displays this problem apparently because Firefox is using some WebGL interface, which it did not do in an earlier driver NVIDIA GeForce 7300 GS Adapter-driveren v4_disp Driver-version Driver-dato 9-22-2011 WebGL Rendering Google Inc. -- ANGLE -- OpenGL ES 2.0 (ANGLE Vinduer med GPU grafikacceleration 1/1 Direct3D 9
Does it go away if you unset Tools-> options->advanced->general->use hardware acceleration ?
Component: General → Graphics
Product: Firefox → Core
QA Contact: general → thebes
No, it is still occurring.
I have reinstalled the 182.50 Nvidia drivers: No problem. Reinstalling the latest NVIDIA 285.38 beta drivers: the problem appears again.
So a problem in the drivers? What about stable 280 drivers?
Same problem with the 'stable' drivers after 182.50. Although the problem is occurring less often now after disabling the hardware acceleration, it still occurs. Last example was the startup window for selecting profile being written into an existing window (without the window frame).
You say it sometimes happens even when HW acceleration is disabled? On all drivers after 182.50?
Overwriting with no HW acceleration enabled. The OK part to the left was fixed by loading the screen dumping program window.
I have not tested all versions after 182.50 without HW acceleration, but no other browsers (IE, Opera, Chrome) are displaying the same problem on the same PC.
Working in a terminal window with a non-minimized Firefox window behind it and a download in progress. When the download finished, then POOF! the download list was written into the terminal window. Latest WHQL Nvidia driver 285.58 used and HW acceleration enabled.
I have found a way to repeatedly reproduce the problem with the HW acceleration enabled. 1) open a couple of windows e.g a SSH terminal window 2) open a website in Firefox e.g. and go to the download page. 3) start a download of a large file 4) leave both the web page open and the download file list open on top of it 5) bring a window from 1) in front covering the download file list window 6) now for every 10th sec. or so the contents of the download file list window is written into the foremost window. Not at every update, only every 10th sec.
That is very strange. Do you have any special program installed, that could do this? Some accessibility helper, screen capture (recording), something uncommon?
I have a couple of additions installed, but disabling them does not change anything. Right now even a Firefox window is being overwritten by the download file list, and it is every 10 seconds: xxx seconds left of the download, xxx-10 seconds left of the download etc.
While I can't speak to why it would cause corruption with HW accel disabled, this could be caused by accidentally writing to the wrong context in DirectX.
(In reply to Jørgen Thomsen from comment #12) > I have a couple of additions installed, but disabling them does not change > anything. I was asking about normal Windows programs, not Firefox addons.
(In reply to Jeff Gilbert [:jgilbert] from comment #13) > While I can't speak to why it would cause corruption with HW accel disabled, > this could be caused by accidentally writing to the wrong context in DirectX. Is there anything Jorgen can try to debug this? Also, wouldn't this crop up for more users? Is his older nvidia 7xxx card so rare today?
(In reply to :aceman (away 27.-2.) from comment #14) > I was asking about normal Windows programs, not Firefox addons. I have nothing special installed.
Using a stopwatch I can confirm, that it is very precisely every 10th second that the download file window is overwriting the foremost window. Repeating the same thing with Opera which is updating the download window in a similar way, no irregular things are happening.
After upgrading to Firefox 9.0.1 and a new motherboard ASUS M5A88-V EVO with integrated graphics ATI Radeon 4250 the problem has reappeared when using hardware acceleration. As the setup is totally different from my earlier setup (now ATI Radeon versus Nvidia Geforce) it must be a Firefox problem.
Version: 7 Branch → 9 Branch
The problem can be reproduced in the exact same way as before: 1) Open a SSH window using putty.exe 2) download a large driver file from the Nvidia website 3) bring the SSH window to the front without minimizing any Firefox windows 4) the Firefox download file list will be displayd without borders in the SSH window
Does it happen only with the SSH program? Or is that just an exmaple? You only changed motherboard and graphics card, not the rest of the HW and SW? Can you paste new contents of Graphics from about:support ?
This is just a nice reproducible example. Occurs also with other programs e.g Agent email client. No other HW and SW. Adapter-beskrivelse ATI Radeon HD 4250 Producentidentifikation 1002 Enhedsidentifikation 9715 Adapter-RAM Unknown Adapter-drivere ati2dvag Driver-version 8.920.0.0 Driver-dato 11-9-2011 Adapter-RAM (GPU #2) Unknown Adapter-drivere (GPU #2) Unknown WebGL Rendering false Vinduer med GPU grafikacceleration 1/1 Direct3D 9
Closed: 5 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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