Closed Bug 699026 Opened 13 years ago Closed 2 years ago

When cancelling a quick-search, the folder contents pane jumps to the last selected email several seconds after re-displaying the unfiltered list


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: subscriptions, Unassigned)



(Whiteboard: dupeme)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Ubuntu/11.04 Chromium/14.0.835.202 Chrome/14.0.835.202 Safari/535.1 Steps to reproduce: 1. type a phrase in the quick-filter box 2. select a message in the filtered list in the folder contents pane 3. cancel the quick-filter 4. select the first message in the (unfiltered) list Actual results: When the quck-filter is cancelled, the folder contents pane jumps to the top. Several seconds after cancelling the quick-filter, the folder contents pane jumps to the last selected message from the filtered list, even if another message near the top of the folder has been selected in the mean time. Expected results: If another message has been selected in the meantime, it should remain selected.
The moment a quick-filter is cancelled, the top of the folder contents list is shown , then after a few seconds it jumps to the last selected email from the filtered list. Some may argue that this should not happen, but for me this behaviour would be quite handy if selecting a message in the (briefly displayed) first page of the folder contents list prevented the jump to the last selected email (currently this is not true). Mostly, when I use a quick-filter, I find the message I want, get some information from it, then want to return to the top of the (unfiltered) list.
(In reply to ian wood from comment #1) > Mostly, when I use a quick-filter, I find the > message I want, get some information from it, then want to return to the top > of the (unfiltered) list. If I understood you; you are asking for an enhancement, correct?
(In reply to Hashem Masoud from comment #2) > (In reply to ian wood from comment #1) > > Mostly, when I use a quick-filter, I find the > > message I want, get some information from it, then want to return to the top > > of the (unfiltered) list. > If I understood you; you are asking for an enhancement, correct? I would consider the current behaviour to be a bug. A purist may wish to fix the 'bug' by not showing the top of the (unfiltered) list at all or not allowing selection of another email when cancelling the filter. My suggested enhancement would be to allow another message (from the top of the list) to be selected (current behaviour), but preventing the previous selection (from the filtered list) to re-assert itself (cancelling the selection just made, as happens currently).
Hashem, this is a duplicate of an existing bug. But I don't recall the number. It will have one or all the terms scroll position remember in the title
Whiteboard: dupeme
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #4) > Hashem, this is a duplicate of an existing bug. But I don't recall the > number. It will have one or all the terms scroll position remember in the > title I don't see this problem here, it works for me. When I select a message from the quick-filter list, cancel the search results, get back to the full message list, the message I had previously highlighted stays like that. It seems this bug is already solved. User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:11.0) Gecko/20120327 Thunderbird/11.0.1 Application Build ID: 20120327115527 Reporter, can you try it again?
The mentioned behaviour is still/again present in the latest Linux build of Thunderbird 17.0.8.. What troubles me about the jump behaviour is that it is not instantly after clearing the quick search but after about 2 seconds or so. So as described Thunderbird first goes to the top message of the folder and then after some seconds it jumps to the email previously selected from the shortlist. The time gap is to long to have a nice workflow as you have to scroll back to the top all the time. As the function is a quick list for me the desired behaviour would be: 1. type something to the quick search field 2. have a look at the emails that appear according to the search term 3. clear quick list 4. be back to the top of the folder. or the position where you were before, which maybe would be more desirable For finding emails with their actual position I would use the normal search function. So I recommend to change the jumping behaviour (or at least make it instant so that one is not confused by that behaviour).
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: x86_64 → All
Severity: normal → S3

Obsoleted by Supernova 3-pane re-implementation present in 113.0a1 (2023-04-03) (64-bit), Win10.
Not seeing this in TB 102.9.0 (64-bit), Win10.

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID

Still seeing it here on 102.9.1.

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