Open Bug 711405 Opened 13 years ago Updated 2 years ago

build system should be able to generate source bundles, possibly in the source-package target


(Firefox Build System :: General, defect)



(Not tracked)


(Reporter: bhearsum, Unassigned)


The source-package target was added a year or two ago, which generates a source tarball. We also regularly generate source bundles - both on a weekly basis and for releases. It would be nice if the build system could do this, too. In the new signing on demand world, this is a bit more annoying than before - because it requires us to embed MOZ_EXTERNAL_SIGNING_FORMAT definitions in Buildbot. All other package types (exe, dmg, mar, bz2) have this set correctly in the build system already. Putting bundle generation there would let us do the same for them.
Product: Core → Firefox Build System
Severity: normal → S3
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