Closed Bug 713265 Opened 13 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Tilt needs a sleek UI


(Firefox Graveyard :: Developer Tools: 3D View, defect, P5)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: vporof, Unassigned)


The extension (bug 659807) used to have some experimental UI showing arcball controls, a minidom strips view, legend of colors, and some other features. Most of that stuff didn't make into the integrated Tilt (bug 689920), so no UI was ported.

However, there certainly is a need for a UI, for example showing (or allowing a customization of the) legend with all the colors for each node type, or (as suggested by bjacob), the ability to display some metadata for each element. For example, for a webgl context, the context creation options would be useful, or for a image element, the src attribute. This information shouldn't be, however, duplicated from the HTML panel.

All of the new UI would be implemented as an overlay, maybe XUL/HTML or just a simple canvas. Doing UI in WebGL is a very bad idea.
Whiteboard: [tilt]
A legend for the node name colors would be useful, I agree. Not sure about overlaying metadata though, especially one that changes based on the type of node. This kind of sounds like the "node annotation" feature we've discussed for the 2D highlighter in the past.
Priority: -- → P5
New component triage. Filter on HORSE MASKS.
Component: Developer Tools: Inspector → Developer Tools: 3D View
Whiteboard: [tilt]
The 3D View has been removed in Firefox 47. Closing all bugs inside that component as the component will be moved to Firefox Graveyard.

Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: Firefox → Firefox Graveyard
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