Closed Bug 716941 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Push SUMO 2012-01-17 @ 3pm PT


(Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard :: WebOps: Other, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: rrosario, Assigned: jason)


Normal SUMO push, 01-17.
Assignee: server-ops → jthomas
Pushed to prod: [root@supportadm.private.phx1]# ./update 2012-01-17 + cd /data/support/src/ + echo -e 'Fetching tags...' Fetching tags... + git fetch -t remote: Counting objects: 265, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (94/94), done. remote: Total 201 (delta 146), reused 149 (delta 103) Receiving objects: 100% (201/201), 75.28 KiB | 123 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (146/146), completed with 47 local objects. From git:// * [new tag] 2012-01-17 -> 2012-01-17 + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + echo -e 'Updating code...' Updating code... + git checkout 2012-01-17 Previous HEAD position was 5c3a13f... [bug 717063] Use new vote macro in mobile document.html HEAD is now at d708da6... [bug 717063] Use new vote macro in mobile document.html + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + echo -e 'Sync submodule...' Sync submodule... + git submodule sync Synchronizing submodule url for 'media/global' Synchronizing submodule url for 'templates/global' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/bleach' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/cache-panel' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/celery' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/check' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/commonware' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-adminplus' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-arecibo' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-authority' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-cache-machine' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-celery' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-cronjobs' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-csp' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-debug-toolbar' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-extensions' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-mobility' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-mozilla-product-details' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-multidb-router' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-nose' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-picklefield' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-qunit' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-ratelimit' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-recaptcha' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-session-csrf' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-tidings' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-timezones' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/django-waffle' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/elasticutils' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/jingo' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/jingo-minify' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/jstestnetlib' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/kombu' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/oedipus' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/py-wikimarkup' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/pystatsd' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/python-recaptcha' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/redis-py' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/schematic' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/sphinxapi' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/test-utils' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/tower' Synchronizing submodule url for 'vendor/src/tweepy' + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + echo -e 'Update submodule...' Update submodule... + git submodule update --init --recursive + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + cd /data/support/src/ + find /data/support/src/ -name '*.pyc' -delete + python ./ compress_assets To turn on cache busting, use settings.CACHEBUST_IMGS Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) cat: /data/support/src/ No such file or directory Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Minifying /data/support/src/ (using YUI Compressor) Unchanged files skipped for minification: 27 + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + python ./vendor/src/schematic/schematic migrations/ + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + cd /data/support/src/ + svn up U uk/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U uk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ms/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ms/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U my/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U my/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U fa/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U fa/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U hi_IN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U pa_IN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U pa_IN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U bg/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U bg/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ja/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ja/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U nb_NO/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U xx_testing/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U xx_testing/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U hy_AM/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U hy_AM/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U fi/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U fi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U gu_IN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U gu_IN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U bs/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U bs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U fr/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U fr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U nl/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U nl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U no/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U no/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sr_CYRL/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sr_CYRL/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U rm/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U rm/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U vi/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U vi/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ro/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ro/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ca/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ca/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ru/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ru/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U pt_PT/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U rw/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U rw/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U gd/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U gd/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U oc/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U oc/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U gl/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U gl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sr_LATN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sr_LATN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U cs/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U cs/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U kk/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U kk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U fy_NL/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U fy_NL/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U km/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U km/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U kn/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U kn/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ko/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ko/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U si/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U si/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sk/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sl/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sv_SE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U sq/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U sq/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U da/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U da/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U de/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U de/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U he/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U he/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U te/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U te/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U hr/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U hr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U th/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U th/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U pl/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U pl/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U hu/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U hu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U lt/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U lt/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U tr/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U tr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U bn_IN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U bn_IN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ast/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ast/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ta_LK/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ta_LK/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ak/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ak/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U fur/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U fur/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U id/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U id/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U templates/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.pot U templates/LC_MESSAGES/messages.pot U el/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U el/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ar/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ar/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U as/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U as/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U eo/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U eo/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U bn_BD/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U bn_BD/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U ga_IE/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U ga_IE/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U mk/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U mk/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U es/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U es/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U et/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U et/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U en_US/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U en_US/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U eu/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U eu/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U mn/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U mn/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U is/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U is/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U it/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U it/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po U mr/LC_MESSAGES/javascript.po U mr/LC_MESSAGES/messages.po Updated to revision 100066. + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + ./ . + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + cd /data/support/src/ + ./ -k /data/support/src/ -u apache + checkretval + retval=0 + [[ 0 -gt 0 ]] + cd /data/support/src/ + find /data/support/src/ -name '*.pyc' -delete + read -p 'Do you really want to push SUMO and reload apache? [y/n] ' YESNO Do you really want to push SUMO and reload apache? [y/n] y + [[ y != \y ]] + /data/support/deploy -n [2012-01-17 15:05:47] Running rsync_project [2012-01-17 15:05:47] [localhost] running: /usr/bin/rsync -aq --include '.gitkeep' --exclude '.git*' --exclude '.hg*' --delete /data/support/src/ /data/support/www/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [localhost] finished: /usr/bin/rsync -aq --include '.gitkeep' --exclude '.git*' --exclude '.hg*' --delete /data/support/src/ /data/support/www/ (5.016s) + issue-multi-command support /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:52] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] finished: /data/bin/ (3.011s) [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] finished: /data/bin/ (3.051s) [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] finished: /data/bin/ (3.579s) [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] finished: /data/bin/ (3.731s) [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] finished: /data/bin/ (3.745s) + issue-multi-command support-celery /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:55] [] running: /data/bin/ [2012-01-17 15:05:57] [] finished: /data/bin/ (1.314s) + scp /data/support/src/ sphinx.conf 100% 12KB 12.3KB/s 00:00 + scp /data/support/src/ sphinx.conf 100% 12KB 12.3KB/s 00:00 + scp /data/support/src/ stopwords.txt 100% 954 0.9KB/s 00:00 + scp /data/support/src/ stopwords.txt 100% 954 0.9KB/s 00:00 + echo 'Restarting httpd...' Restarting httpd... + issue-multi-command support /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service httpd graceful [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] finished: /sbin/service httpd graceful (0.740s) [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] finished: /sbin/service httpd graceful (0.747s) [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] finished: /sbin/service httpd graceful (0.765s) [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] finished: /sbin/service httpd graceful (0.816s) [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] finished: /sbin/service httpd graceful (0.841s) + echo 'Restarting Celery...' Restarting Celery... + issue-multi-command support-celery /sbin/service celeryd-kitsune-prod restart [2012-01-17 15:06:01] [] running: /sbin/service celeryd-kitsune-prod restart [2012-01-17 15:10:23] [] finished: /sbin/service celeryd-kitsune-prod restart (261.655s) [] out: Restarting celery-kitsune-prod: celery-kitsune-prod: stopped [] out: celery-kitsune-prod: started [] out: [ OK ]
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Server Operations: Web Operations → WebOps: Other
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
Product: Infrastructure & Operations → Infrastructure & Operations Graveyard
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