Closed Bug 724518 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

browserid: cookies (was Edit Compare Locales documentation)


( Graveyard :: Sign-in, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Mikeyy, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0 Build ID: 20120129021758 Steps to reproduce: Compare locales page should be upgraded with additional information. You should state samewhere on top that in order to install Compare Locales you MUST have Mozilla build installed. I'm an windows user, running L10N for Thunderbird and Calendar for Croatian L10N team. Few weeks ago I tryed installing Compare Locales for a 3 days in a row, according to instructions on that page, and failed. Couldn't figure it out why since I was following everything to the letter. Then Axel pointed out that maybe I should try installing MozillaBuild before everything, not only Python for windows as I did. These are instructions how to install compare locales on windows: 1. Install MozillaBuild according to instructions on 2. Download Python for windows installation, exe file, and install it over MozillaBuild installation, C:\mozilla-build\python if everything is installed in default directory. 3. Download Easy_Install exe installation, it will automaticly find and install easy install to phyton directory. If you skipped 2. step then you will not be able to auto install easy_install from exe file since it needs registry entry to find phyton directory. 4. You need to add C:\mozilla-build\python\Scripts to your enviroment variable PATH, so you can call it from any directory. 5. Now you can follow on how to install compare_locales with easy_install. All this is easy, but since mozilla build isn't mentioned anywhere on Compare_Locales page, I lost 3 days until I figured that I needed that. I'm not programmer, just localiser, so I don't need mozbuild for anything else. Also, instructions for compare_locales commands are somewhere unclear and they have unneeded steps. For example why would we need linked directories? On windows they don't update, they are static, I need to recreate them after every change. Maybe it would be better if you gave an example of directory structure which you should have on your computer so you don't need links. I have this structure and links aren't needed d:/mozilla-repo/ /en_US/ - contains /mozilla/ - sub-hg, contains /hr/ - contains When I'm on d: root I just need to enter this command: compare-locales ./mozilla-repo/en_US/mail/locales/l10n.ini ./mozilla-repo/ hr That's all. Hopefully you can add mozbuild text to Compare_Locales doc page so other unexperienced users don't lost 3 days on finding out why windows python alone won't work with compare_locales.
Sounds like these edits would be really useful. Since MDN is a wiki, you can make the edits yourself with help from our doc stewards. I'm cc'ing some of them to help you.
Component: Docs Platform → Documentation Requests
QA Contact: docs-platform → doc-request
Is editing on MDN blocked? I have account for wiki but it's not valid there. I made new one with browerID, that didn't work. Tryed making new account via old interface, but when I log in and try to edit it just logs me out.
Can you be more specific how the BrowserID account didn't work?
It just didn't work. I made new account on browserID, went trough registration. After I confirmed account I logged in on MDN with top right SignIn button on compare locales page. MDN asked me for my display name, timezone etc. if I remember corectly. Passed all that and saved. I got back to compare locales page and pressed edit and it went to old login page "Username / Password". Tryed few times and when it didn't work I went to retreive password page and changed password for account which was made with browerID, now I tryed to log in directly with that username and password via old interface, but when I log in it seams to me that page automaticly logs me out after log in. Anyway, every time I pressed on edit button it went to login page, no matter how I logged in.
Okay I'm sure this bug centers on the "Edit" button in MindTouch. I'll pull it into our next sprint to address that. Until then, you should be able to sign in from the home page, and then navigate to any wiki page.
Whiteboard: u=user c=browserid p=
Target Milestone: --- → 2.3
Nope, it actually seams to be more of vs bug. When I log in it takes me to As long as I stay on /hr/ part I see that I'm logged in, but when I cross to /en/ part, like I apear to be logged out. If I go back to /hr/ part I'm again logged in. Go figure. :)
Ah, okay that's a different bug then. We'll still have to look at it.
Summary: Edit Compare Locales documentation → browserid: signin not preserved between locales (was Edit Compare Locales documentation)
Whiteboard: u=user c=browserid p= → u=user c=browserid p=3
Mihovil, can you help us come up with reliable steps to reproduce the BrowserID issue you're having here? Thanks.
Target Milestone: 2.3 → 2.4
Now I tested it again and I'm staying logged in on /en/ part also.
Compare locales page changed. If someone wants to review it pls do. Didn't add anything about easy_install installation on windows since I wasn't sure where should I add it.
No I tryed to set "watch" on compare locales page and login isn't preserved between locales again... bah This is home computer, last time I was on work computer. FF 10, Win7 64bit, only cookies that are blocked are, not sure what else would it be. I tryed to login with browserID first, then via regular login.
Other mozilla cookies are messing up MDN login! Tryed deleting just browserID cookies, didn't restart FF, locale switch still didn't work. Tryed deleting all cookies that contain "mozilla", restarted FF, local switch login now WORKING. Logged in into bugzilla, login still working. So, some of mozilla cookies is messing up that login.
Whiteboard: u=user c=browserid p=3 → u=user c=browserid p=3 2.4.5
We need to bump this to another sprint to work on other BrowserID bugs & wiki migration work. On which page are you switching locales? A wiki page, or an MDN home page?
Summary: browserid: signin not preserved between locales (was Edit Compare Locales documentation) → browserid: cookies (was Edit Compare Locales documentation)
Whiteboard: u=user c=browserid p=3 2.4.5 → u=user c=browserid p=3
Target Milestone: 2.4 → 2.5
I log in at main page, After that it doesn't matter if I follow link or go from bookmark to it messes up login. Now it's working, but only after I removed all mozilla cookies, so some of them are blocking login transfer.
Target Milestone: 2.5 → 2.6
Target Milestone: 2.6 → ---
Version: MDN → unspecified
Component: Documentation Requests → Documentation
Component: Documentation → General
Product: Mozilla Developer Network → Developer Documentation
Component: General → Login
Product: Developer Documentation → Mozilla Developer Network
Luke or Mihovil: Is this still an issue?
Flags: needinfo?(mihovil.stanic)
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Whiteboard: u=user c=browserid p=3
Not sure. I can't reproduce it but as I said in one of my comments, it had something to do with other mozilla cookies. Tried loggin into bugzilla, and then into but I stayed logged in in HR and EN versions of site. Not sure if I had any more logins somewhere in mozilla system.
Flags: needinfo?(mihovil.stanic)
Let's call it fixed and reopen if needed.
Closed: 12 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(lcrouch)
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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