Closed Bug 725144 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Valentines Day Snippet Copy


(Marketing :: Copy, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: lforrest, Assigned: wbowden)



Snippets wants in on the action! We can run a V-Day snippet next week, starting a couple of days earlier. There's great copy already in Bug 720552. Can you make it into a snippet? CTA: Have a V-Day persona Main Message: So many of our snippets just talk about ourselves! Let's take a moment to tell our users how in love with them we are. How great they are. Make them get the chills. Make them know we appreciate them! Bonus points if it rhymes... Due Date: End of this week would be fab.
Curious. Is this bug inclusive of design? What are you planning on showing for the graphic?
Hi hi - we're using a heart graphic that already exist.
Fun! How about one of these? Roses are red, Firefox is orange, we love our users, but nothing rhymes with orange. Download a Valentine's Day Persona, from us to you! Roses are red, violets are blue, here's a Persona from us to you. Happy Valentine's Day to all our users! For Valentine's Day we send you this gift, a special Persona to give your spirits a lift!
(In reply to Matej Novak [:matej] from comment #3) > Fun! How about one of these? > > > Roses are red, Firefox is orange, we love our users, but nothing rhymes with > orange. Download a Valentine's Day Persona, from us to you! > > Roses are red, violets are blue, here's a Persona from us to you. Happy > Valentine's Day to all our users! They're all super cute, but this one is my favorite! > For Valentine's Day we send you this gift, a special Persona to give your > spirits a lift! I also really like this one. Thanks!
Assignee: Mnovak → wbowden
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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