Closed Bug 728962 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Intermittent crash [@ JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth] or [@ js::detail::HashTable] or "Assertion failure: !entered, at ./../../dist/include/js/Utility.h:840" during test_fullscreen-api.html


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: philor, Assigned: billm)



(Keywords: crash, intermittent-failure)


(1 file) Rev3 MacOSX Leopard 10.5.8 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitests-1/5 on 2012-02-20 09:24:56 PST for push 6a43d088a2b4 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Exited with code 1 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:09:36.094469 INFO | | Reading PID log: /var/folders/Xr/Xr--yJnSEY0U11ET5NZuMU+++TM/-Tmp-/tmp404oc7pidlog PROCESS-CRASH | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | application crashed (minidump found) Crash dump filename: /var/folders/Xr/Xr--yJnSEY0U11ET5NZuMU+++TM/-Tmp-/tmpQqy_hg/minidumps/ADADB4F6-F3BA-403E-A07A-C8676AC28056.dmp Operating system: Mac OS X 10.5.8 9L31a CPU: x86 GenuineIntel family 6 model 23 stepping 10 2 CPUs Crash reason: EXC_BAD_ACCESS / KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS Crash address: 0xffffffffc000007b Thread 0 (crashed) 0 XUL!JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth [jscntxt.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 1301 + 0x2] eip = 0x05579dfc esp = 0xbfff3c40 ebp = 0xbfff3c58 ebx = 0x05579df1 esi = 0x290c3750 edi = 0xbfff3c7c eax = 0xc0000003 ecx = 0xbfff3dbc edx = 0x0072017c efl = 0x00210282 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1 XUL!JS_GetCompartmentPrivate [jsapi.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 1512 + 0x11] eip = 0x055088ce esp = 0xbfff3c60 ebp = 0xbfff3c88 ebx = 0x0477c28e esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0xbfff3c7c Found by: call frame info 2 XUL!TraceCompartment [XPCJSRuntime.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 404 + 0x14] eip = 0x0477c2a4 esp = 0xbfff3c90 ebp = 0xbfff3cd8 ebx = 0x0477c28e esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0x3109de00 Found by: call frame info 3 XUL!nsBaseHashtable<xpc::PtrAndPrincipalHashKey,JSCompartment*,JSCompartment*>::s_EnumReadStub [nsBaseHashtable.h : 395 + 0x12] eip = 0x047873bb esp = 0xbfff3ce0 ebp = 0xbfff3d08 ebx = 0x047873a1 esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0x3109de00 Found by: call frame info 4 XUL!PL_DHashTableEnumerate [pldhash.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 754 + 0x1d] eip = 0x032c862a esp = 0xbfff3d10 ebp = 0xbfff3d78 ebx = 0x032c853e esi = 0x00000000 edi = 0x3109de00 Found by: call frame info 5 XUL!XPCJSRuntime::TraceXPConnectRoots [nsBaseHashtable.h : 206 + 0x20] eip = 0x0477f2f9 esp = 0xbfff3d80 ebp = 0xbfff3de8 ebx = 0x0477f16e esi = 0x05f2ddc0 edi = 0x0072017c Found by: call frame info 6 XUL!js::MarkRuntime [jsgc.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 2396 + 0x14] eip = 0x055e1505 esp = 0xbfff3df0 ebp = 0xbfff3ee8 ebx = 0x055e0b11 esi = 0x0477f350 edi = 0x269f4894 Found by: call frame info 7 XUL!ValidateIncrementalMarking [jsgc.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 3089 + 0xf] eip = 0x055e1d20 esp = 0xbfff3ef0 ebp = 0xbfff7fc8 ebx = 0x055e18b1 esi = 0x22f7ec00 edi = 0x22f7ec00 Found by: call frame info 8 XUL!EndMarkPhase [jsgc.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 3041 + 0x6] eip = 0x055e324a esp = 0xbfff7fd0 ebp = 0xbfff8058 ebx = 0x055e2e9e esi = 0x00720200 edi = 0x00172e30 Found by: call frame info 9 XUL!IncrementalGCSlice [jsgc.cpp:6a43d088a2b4 : 3503 + 0x7] eip = 0x055f3a7c esp = 0xbfff8060 ebp = 0xbfff8138 ebx = 0x055f3651
Not exclusively Mac or 32 bit, though, apparently: Rev3 Fedora 12x64 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitests-1/5 on 2012-02-18 12:17:23 PST for push 2742dd95aa74 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Exited with code 1 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:11:01.097186 INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpcN0zK0pidlog ==> process 2290 launched child process 2335 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2335 PROCESS-CRASH | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | application crashed (minidump found) Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmp2tVAYp/minidumps/1e97bbdc-0834-7aea-0d824eff-0a46b1f1.dmp Operating system: Linux 0.0.0 Linux #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:11:14 EST 2009 x86_64 CPU: amd64 family 6 model 23 stepping 10 2 CPUs Crash reason: SIGABRT Crash address: 0x1f4000008f2 Thread 0 (crashed) 0 + 0xee6b rbx = 0x07a7db50 r12 = 0x059fefe0 r13 = 0x00000040 r14 = 0x05974480 r15 = 0x00000000 rip = 0xd360ee6b rsp = 0x1cc91da8 rbp = 0x1cc91dc0 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1!JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth [jscntxt.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 1302 + 0x20] rip = 0x36f238c6 rsp = 0x1cc91db0 Found by: stack scanning 2!JS_GetCompartmentPrivate [jsapi.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 1512 + 0xa] rip = 0x36ee9cd2 rsp = 0x1cc91dd0 Found by: stack scanning 3!js::gc::MarkInternal<JSObject> [jsgcmark.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 83 + 0x7] rip = 0x36f7d566 rsp = 0x1cc91de0 Found by: stack scanning 4!TraceCompartment [XPCJSRuntime.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 404 + 0x8] rip = 0x36740506 rsp = 0x1cc91e00 Found by: stack scanning 5!nsBaseHashtable<xpc::PtrAndPrincipalHashKey, JSCompartment*, JSCompartment*>::s_EnumReadStub [nsBaseHashtable.h : 395 + 0x9] rip = 0x367441b6 rsp = 0x1cc91e20 Found by: stack scanning 6!PL_DHashTableEnumerate [pldhash.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 754 + 0x17] rip = 0x36bd1a41 rsp = 0x1cc91e40 Found by: stack scanning 7 + 0x109519f rip = 0x367441a0 rsp = 0x1cc91e60 Found by: stack scanning 8!XPCRootSetElem::RemoveFromRootSet [XPCJSRuntime.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 2258 + 0x8] rip = 0x367404f3 rsp = 0x1cc91e90 Found by: stack scanning 9 0x7fff1cc91f07 rbx = 0x012828e8 r12 = 0x012ad788 rip = 0x1cc91f08 rsp = 0x1cc91e98 rbp = 0x367404f3 Found by: call frame info 10!nsBaseHashtable<xpc::PtrAndPrincipalHashKey, JSCompartment*, JSCompartment*>::EnumerateRead [nsBaseHashtable.h : 206 + 0x4] rip = 0x36744730 rsp = 0x1cc91eb0 Found by: stack scanning 11!XPCRootSetElem::RemoveFromRootSet [XPCJSRuntime.cpp:2742dd95aa74 : 2258 + 0x8] rip = 0x367404f3 rsp = 0x1cc91eb8 Found by: stack scanning
OS: Mac OS X → All
Hardware: x86 → All
Maybe the same root cause, maybe not: Thread 0 (crashed) 0 XUL!js::detail::HashTable<js::gc::Chunk* const,js::HashSet<js::gc::Chunk*, js::GCChunkHasher, js::SystemAllocPolicy>::SetOps,js::SystemAllocPolicy>::lookup [HashTable.h : 88 + 0x0] rbx = 0x0147d60e r12 = 0x47a2db39 r13 = 0x00000337 r14 = 0x04d06228 r15 = 0x1b800000 rip = 0x030f6619 rsp = 0x5fbf1eb0 rbp = 0x5fbf1f00 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1 XUL!js::MarkRuntime [HashTable.h : 671 + 0x1e] rbx = 0x00bf8a40 r12 = 0x1b8c6d80 r13 = 0x00bfaa00 r14 = 0x04d06228 r15 = 0x1b800000 rip = 0x030e40ec rsp = 0x5fbf1f10 rbp = 0x5fbf20a0 Found by: call frame info 2 XUL!ValidateIncrementalMarking [jsgc.cpp:c3e591a5b867 : 3089 + 0x10] rbx = 0x1c355c00 r12 = 0x1c355c00 r13 = 0x00000093 r14 = 0x000000ff r15 = 0x00000000 rip = 0x030e5abe rsp = 0x5fbf20b0 rbp = 0x5fbf6100 Found by: call frame info 3 XUL!EndMarkPhase [jsgc.cpp:c3e591a5b867 : 3041 + 0x7] rbx = 0x04d06310 r12 = 0x00163cf0 r13 = 0x00000001 r14 = 0x27c581d8 r15 = 0x04d06000 rip = 0x030e666a rsp = 0x5fbf6110 rbp = 0x5fbf6180 Found by: call frame info 4 XUL!IncrementalGCSlice [jsgc.cpp:c3e591a5b867 : 3503 + 0xb] rbx = 0x27c581d8 r12 = 0x27c581d8 r13 = 0x00000001 r14 = 0x27c581d8 r15 = 0x00000001 rip = 0x030e9b08 rsp = 0x5fbf6190 rbp = 0x5fbf6230 Found by: call frame info 5 XUL!GCCycle [jsgc.cpp:c3e591a5b867 : 3620 + 0x18] rbx = 0x4674c940 r12 = 0x4674c940 r13 = 0x00000040 r14 = 0x00000014 r15 = 0x44c04000 rip = 0x030ea586 rsp = 0x5fbf6240 rbp = 0x5fbf6340 Found by: call frame info 6 XUL!Collect [jsgc.cpp:c3e591a5b867 : 3683 + 0x11] rbx = 0x04d06000 r12 = 0x04d089b0 r13 = 0x00163cf0 r14 = 0x00000000 r15 = 0x00000000 rip = 0x030f3acd rsp = 0x5fbf6350 rbp = 0x5fbf63c0 Found by: call frame info
Summary: Intermittent crash [@ JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth] during test_fullscreen-api.html → Intermittent crash [@ JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth] or [@ js::detail::HashTable] during test_fullscreen-api.html
Juicier than most, managing to assert instead of crashing directly: Rev3 Fedora 12x64 mozilla-inbound debug test mochitests-1/5 on 2012-02-22 22:11:53 PST for push 3d8fc342348b 72483 INFO TEST-PASS | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | [denied] Should not ever grant a fullscreen request in this doc. ++DOCSHELL 0x7d44fe0 == 15 ++DOMWINDOW == 639 (0x811b0f8) [serial = 2229] [outer = (nil)] ++DOMWINDOW == 640 (0x5cab2e8) [serial = 2230] [outer = 0x811b080] WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false) failed with result 0x8000FFFF: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/base/src/nsContentUtils.cpp, line 2630 WARNING: NS_ENSURE_TRUE(pusher.Push(aBoundElement)) failed: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/content/xbl/src/nsXBLProtoImplMethod.cpp, line 359 ++DOCSHELL 0x94073b0 == 16 ++DOMWINDOW == 641 (0x89d3038) [serial = 2231] [outer = (nil)] ++DOCSHELL 0x5d47590 == 17 ++DOMWINDOW == 642 (0x6cba868) [serial = 2232] [outer = (nil)] Assertion failure: !entered, at ./../../dist/include/js/Utility.h:840 WARNING: shutting down early because of crash!: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/dom/plugins/ipc/PluginModuleChild.cpp, line 743 WARNING: plugin process _exit()ing: file /builds/slave/m-in-lnx64-dbg/build/dom/plugins/ipc/PluginModuleChild.cpp, line 708 TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | Exited with code 1 during test run INFO | | Application ran for: 0:11:00.057980 INFO | | Reading PID log: /tmp/tmpZveNjCpidlog ==> process 2211 launched child process 2255 INFO | | Checking for orphan process with PID: 2255 PROCESS-CRASH | /tests/content/html/content/test/test_fullscreen-api.html | application crashed (minidump found) Crash dump filename: /tmp/tmpROW6Ys/minidumps/29e99821-70b7-8a7b-76acaf5a-68ac53bc.dmp Operating system: Linux 0.0.0 Linux #1 SMP Sat Nov 7 21:11:14 EST 2009 x86_64 CPU: amd64 family 6 model 23 stepping 10 2 CPUs Crash reason: SIGABRT Crash address: 0x1f4000008a3 Thread 0 (crashed) 0 + 0xee6b rbx = 0x16636560 r12 = 0x4d921200 r13 = 0x18033390 r14 = 0x1803344c r15 = 0x16636560 rip = 0xd360ee6b rsp = 0x18033338 rbp = 0x18033360 Found by: given as instruction pointer in context 1!js::detail::HashTable<js::gc::Chunk* const, js::HashSet<js::gc::Chunk*, js::GCChunkHasher, js::SystemAllocPolicy>::SetOps, js::SystemAllocPolicy>::lookup [Utility.h : 840 + 0x19] rip = 0x4c840e88 rsp = 0x18033340 Found by: stack scanning 2!js::IsAddressableGCThing [HashTable.h : 1327 + 0x4] rip = 0x4c840f7e rsp = 0x18033370 Found by: stack scanning 3!js::MarkIfGCThingWord [jsgc.cpp:3d8fc342348b : 1073 + 0x13] rip = 0x4c846802 rsp = 0x180333e0 Found by: stack scanning 4!js::gc::MarkInternal<JSObject> [jsgcmark.cpp:3d8fc342348b : 107 + 0xa] rip = 0x4c84fb3b rsp = 0x180333f0 Found by: stack scanning 5!js::MarkConservativeStackRoots [jsgc.cpp:3d8fc342348b : 1138 + 0x4] rip = 0x4c832517 rsp = 0x18033450 Found by: stack scanning 6!js::MarkRuntime [jsgc.cpp:3d8fc342348b : 2149 + 0x15] rip = 0x4c832dc5 rsp = 0x18033480 Found by: stack scanning 7!js::detail::HashTable<js::HashMapEntry<js::gc::Chunk*, long unsigned int*>, js::HashMap<js::gc::Chunk*, long unsigned int*>::MapHashPolicy, js::TempAllocPolicy>::changeTableSize [Utility.h : 152 + 0x7] rip = 0x4c848508 rsp = 0x180334a0 Found by: stack scanning 8!js::HashMap<JSFunction*, JSString*, js::DefaultHasher<JSFunction*>, js::SystemAllocPolicy>::put<JSFunction*, JSString*> [HashTable.h : 1026 + 0x8] rip = 0x4c82a920 rsp = 0x180334e8 Found by: stack scanning 9!js::HashMap<js::gc::Chunk*, long unsigned int*, js::DefaultHasher<js::gc::Chunk*>, js::TempAllocPolicy>::putNew [HashTable.h : 737 + 0xa] rip = 0x4c8487bb rsp = 0x18033520 Found by: stack scanning 10!ValidateIncrementalMarking [jsgc.cpp:3d8fc342348b : 3089 + 0xc] rip = 0x4c8355e3 rsp = 0x18033570 Found by: stack scanning
Summary: Intermittent crash [@ JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth] or [@ js::detail::HashTable] during test_fullscreen-api.html → Intermittent crash [@ JS::AutoCheckRequestDepth::AutoCheckRequestDepth] or [@ js::detail::HashTable] or "Assertion failure: !entered, at ./../../dist/include/js/Utility.h:840" during test_fullscreen-api.html
Hopefully my patch for the bug 723286 addresses this as it removes few unnecessary request checks.
Assignee: general → igor
Attached patch fixSplinter Review
You're right about the cause, Igor. In between incremental GC slices, I wasn't resetting the context of rt->gcMarker. So in some cases we were using a freed context. Usually this wasn't an issue because most code has been changed to use trc->runtime rather than trc->context->runtime. But there are still a few places where trc->context is used. I agree that the right fix is to stop using the context during GC. However, I would like to fix this right away since it's triggering so much. This patch seems to fix it on a try run.
Assignee: igor → wmccloskey
Attachment #600733 - Flags: review?(igor)
Attachment #600733 - Flags: review?(igor) → review+ Let's make sure this fixes it before closing.
Whiteboard: [orange] → [orange][leave-open]
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla13 (You don't really have to leave a bug open to see whether it fixes something - most people are entirely too happy to just star with a closed bug.)
Whiteboard: [orange][leave-open] → [orange]
I'm going to close this so we don't accidentally lump anything else in here. The assertion failure in comment 93 is unrelated to this bug.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Whiteboard: [orange]
Duplicate of this bug: 709231
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