Bug 731329
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Need a "dev VM" for prototype work
(Infrastructure & Operations :: Virtualization, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: u429623, Assigned: dumitru)
From email discussion with Shyam:
Sure thing. We can get you your own VM, I'd probably want to do that in
SCL3 (the ESX infrastructure there should be up soonish probably
followed by the KVM infra too...) so it's closer to the actual hg infra
as well.
Please file this under, Server Operations : Developer Services.
Updated•13 years ago
Whiteboard: SCL3 [Waiting on new ESX buildout]
Comment 1•13 years ago
What is available to Hal *before* scl3?
Hal has a quarterly goal of supporting git, and AIUI this VM in integral to that goal.
Severity: normal → major
Comment 2•13 years ago
I met with Hal today in MV and we agreed to get him something going before SCL3. The reason I suggested SCL3 was because that's where the hg infra is going to eventually live...and it made no sense to make pulls across datacenters...but I guess we can have this moved to SCL3 when that is ready.
Assignee: server-ops-devservices → shyam
Whiteboard: SCL3 [Waiting on new ESX buildout]
Comment 4•13 years ago
Can I have a VM for this in phx1, let's call it please, and give it 2 cores and 2 GB of RAM with 30 GB of disk to start with?
Do you have any objections to the above specs?
Assignee: shyam → server-ops
Component: Server Operations: Developer Services → Server Operations: Virtualization
QA Contact: shyam → dparsons
Comment 5•13 years ago
(In reply to Shyam Mani [:fox2mike] from comment #4)
> Dan,
> Can I have a VM for this in phx1, let's call it
> please, and give it 2 cores and 2 GB
> of RAM with 30 GB of disk to start with?
Please :D
Assignee | ||
Updated•13 years ago
Severity: major → normal
Those hardware specs are enough to get going - If anything is needed, it's going to be disk, so any setup to make that easier to add later would be worth it.
restoring severity - the clock is still ticking on Q1 - the change in location of VM doesn't change that.
Severity: normal → major
Assignee | ||
Updated•13 years ago
Assignee: server-ops → dgherman
Comment 8•13 years ago
I'm confused here - we've been working on hosting git internally and this hostname suggests that we will be bridging hg with github?! Do we need to stop our git hosting efforts?
Corey - running a git server internally is a completely separate issue, and a much larger project!
This effort is simply addressing a shorter term need to make it easier for FF developers to utilize the social coding aspects of github & bitbucket in a consistent manner within existing policy guidelines and releng capabilities. (see for a description of how limited the scope is.)
As you've pointed out before, there are Mozilla communities beyond those served by releng that are using git & github. This effort does not address their needs at all.
I'm more than happy to have a less confusing host name (sync isn't exactly right - this is a 1 way push to read only external copies). re-sc-poc? (releng social coding proof of concept)
Assignee | ||
Comment 10•13 years ago
|| created with the required specifications.
You can ssh using 'hwine' and you are in sudoers as well.
Let me know please if anything else needed.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Reporter | ||
Comment 11•13 years ago
I don't appear to have access to phx1 data center. (Can't log into natasha directly or via VPN.)
What's next?
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Assignee | ||
Comment 12•13 years ago
Have you tried connecting via VPN to mpt-vpn?
Reporter | ||
Comment 13•13 years ago
connecting via mpt-vpn doesn't work for me - DNS resolves, but host not responding to ping or ssh.
fox2mike suggested cm-vpn01 in #infra - I don't have rights to connect via that VPN.
per #infra, Dumitru will open bug with netops
Reporter | ||
Comment 14•13 years ago
Woot! All up & connected. Thanks!
Closed: 13 years ago → 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•10 years ago
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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