Closed Bug 738323 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Need startup crash percentage on TCBS


(Socorro Graveyard :: Middleware, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: espressive, Assigned: adrian)



(Whiteboard: [qa-])

I need to indicate whether a signature on the top crashers page is a startup crasher by determining whether the uptime range < 1 min is greater than 50% so, either adding a flag to say is_startup_crasher == true or adding the percentage of crashes in the uptime range < 1 min
Blocks: 738305
This has been merged into master, and will be loaded on crash-stats-dev soon. I've added the column "startup_count" to the table tcbs. Unfortunately, you'll have to do some calculation as part of the query which gets data from tcbs, to wit: ... COALESCE( ( sum(startup_count)::numeric / sum(report_count) ), 0 ) as startup_pct ... if you could remind me of the code which runs the top-level tcbs query, I could help more.
[:jberkus] Pinging adrian as he did the new style service for tcbs I believe.
@Josh, here is the SQL query ran for TCBS: sql = """ WITH tcbs_r as ( SELECT tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, sum(report_count) as report_count, sum(win_count) as win_count, sum(lin_count) as lin_count, sum(mac_count) as mac_count, sum(hang_count) as hang_count, plugin_count(process_type,report_count) as plugin_count, content_count(process_type,report_count) as content_count, first_report, version_list FROM tcbs JOIN signatures USING (signature_id) JOIN product_versions AS pv USING (product_version_id) JOIN signature_products_rollup AS spr ON spr.signature_id = tcbs.signature_id AND spr.product_name = pv.product_name WHERE pv.product_name = '%s' AND version_string = '%s' AND report_date BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' %s GROUP BY tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, first_report, spr.version_list ), tcbs_window AS ( SELECT tcbs_r.*, sum(report_count) over () as total_crashes, dense_rank() over (order by report_count desc) as ranking FROM tcbs_r ) SELECT signature, report_count, win_count, lin_count, mac_count, hang_count, plugin_count, content_count, first_report, version_list, %s / total_crashes::float as percent_of_total FROM tcbs_window ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %s """ % (dbParams["product"], dbParams["version"], dbParams["startDate"], dbParams["to_date"], where, order_by, order_by, dbParams["limit"])
Adrian, Feh, I can't really test that from the plane. I'll give you a revised query once I've some time on the ground.
adrian, try this: WITH tcbs_r as ( SELECT tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, sum(report_count) as report_count, sum(win_count) as win_count, sum(lin_count) as lin_count, sum(mac_count) as mac_count, sum(hang_count) as hang_count, plugin_count(process_type,report_count) as plugin_count, content_count(process_type,report_count) as content_count, first_report, version_list, sum(startup_count) as startup_count FROM tcbs JOIN signatures USING (signature_id) JOIN product_versions AS pv USING (product_version_id) JOIN signature_products_rollup AS spr ON spr.signature_id = tcbs.signature_id AND spr.product_name = pv.product_name WHERE pv.product_name = '%s' AND version_string = '%s' AND report_date BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' %s GROUP BY tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, first_report, spr.version_list ), tcbs_window AS ( SELECT tcbs_r.*, sum(report_count) over () as total_crashes, dense_rank() over (order by report_count desc) as ranking FROM tcbs_r ) SELECT signature, report_count, win_count, lin_count, mac_count, hang_count, plugin_count, content_count, first_report, version_list, %s / total_crashes::float as percent_of_total, startup_count / total_crashes::float as startup_percent FROM tcbs_window ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %s
Adrian, Wait, never mind. The above is wrong. Will correct.
ok, fixed: WITH tcbs_r as ( SELECT tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, sum(report_count) as report_count, sum(win_count) as win_count, sum(lin_count) as lin_count, sum(mac_count) as mac_count, sum(hang_count) as hang_count, plugin_count(process_type,report_count) as plugin_count, content_count(process_type,report_count) as content_count, first_report, version_list, sum(startup_count) as startup_count FROM tcbs JOIN signatures USING (signature_id) JOIN product_versions AS pv USING (product_version_id) JOIN signature_products_rollup AS spr ON spr.signature_id = tcbs.signature_id AND spr.product_name = pv.product_name WHERE pv.product_name = '%s' AND version_string = '%s' AND report_date BETWEEN '%s' AND '%s' %s GROUP BY tcbs.signature_id, signature, pv.product_name, version_string, first_report, spr.version_list ), tcbs_window AS ( SELECT tcbs_r.*, sum(report_count) over () as total_crashes, dense_rank() over (order by report_count desc) as ranking FROM tcbs_r ) SELECT signature, report_count, win_count, lin_count, mac_count, hang_count, plugin_count, content_count, first_report, version_list, %s / total_crashes::float as percent_of_total, startup_count / report_count::float as startup_percent FROM tcbs_window ORDER BY %s DESC LIMIT %s
Taking the bug to work on the middleware part.
Assignee: josh → adrian
Component: Database → Middleware
QA Contact: database → middleware
Target Milestone: 3 → 4
Commit pushed to master at Merge pull request #464 from AdrianGaudebert/738323-add-startup-crash-tcbs Fixes bug 738323 - Added startup_percent to TCBS middleware service.
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Steps to QA ----------- 1. Verify that bug 732067 works fine. Does that mean [qa-]? :)
Whiteboard: [qa-]
Product: Socorro → Socorro Graveyard
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