Closed Bug 746330 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

WebGL works in Firefox stable, is disabled in Nightly


(Firefox for Android Graveyard :: General, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugs, Unassigned)




(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [qa^])

Acer A500 tablet, still on Honeycomb. Try a site like or Also, in about:support - Firefox Stable reports: WebGL Renderer: NVIDIA Corporation -- NVIDIA Tegra -- OpenGL ES 2.0 Nightly instead simply says "false" Might be related to varying adapter info? Stable lists Vendor ID/Device ID as 645f/2630 Nightly instead lists as A500/13
tracking-fennec: --- → ?
I tried to find a regression range for this bug, but I need some help. This bug is not reproducing on the regular Nightly build from 03/14, but occurs on 03/15 after the maple merge. While I was trying to find a regression range using the maple builds, I've found that this issue occurs since the first Maple build from 03/09 (regular Nightly build works as expected for this date).
Joe, Ali, did the GL driver blacklist get new mobile-specific entries from the Maple merge?
(In reply to Benoit Jacob [:bjacob] from comment #2) > Joe, Ali, did the GL driver blacklist get new mobile-specific entries from > the Maple merge? No, not that I'm aware of. This sounds more like we're trying to create a WebGL context but we're failing.
Oh. WRT blacklist. I forgot to mention. webgl.force-enabled;true + restart of nightly did not work.
Just FYI, I'm not really going to be able to test this anymore. I decided to install the latest leaked Acer Ice Cream Sandwich on the tablet (041) to see if WebGL worked with that... ...aaaand Nightly refuses to load *any* URL anymore. I start on the home screen, but even touching the link for about:firefox simply spins endlessly. Can't even access addons screen. Firefox Stable still works fine. Rest of OS seems fine as well.
This issue is reproducible on Samsung Galaxy S (2.2), HTC Desire (2.2) and LG Optimus 2X (2.2) as well.
Hey guys. Nightly build of Firefox on my machine was broken, but mbrubeck linked me to: Which seems to work fine. Also, reports webgl functions now. So, I guess that was either due to the ICS update or mbrubeck's build, or both :)
Oh. One more thing. says that webgl works with mbrubeck's build, but when I tried the GnomeGL demo, it did not load. There was only a blank white page with the demo author info in the lower right corner. The GnomeGL demo still functions normally in Firefox Stable.
Should try testing with a Samsung Tab, Motorola ATRIX, or LG Optimus 2X SU660 if we can't find an A500.
(In reply to Naoki Hirata :nhirata from comment #9) > Should try testing with a Samsung Tab, Motorola ATRIX, or LG Optimus 2X > SU660 if we can't find an A500. I missed to mention in comment #1 that I performed that on an A500. I will try today to check this bug again using mbrubeck's build
(In reply to nemo from comment #8) > Oh. One more thing. says that webgl works with mbrubeck's > build, but when I tried the GnomeGL demo, it did not load. There was only a > blank white page with the demo author info in the lower right corner. > The GnomeGL demo still functions normally in Firefox Stable. I installed the mbrubeck's build on A500 and Galaxy S and it seems that WebGL Renderer is still false for both in about:support. I opened some webgl pages on both devices, but nothings has worked as expected. Do we have a WebGL blacklist? Perhaps on some devices the webgl was set to be auto-disabled.
No, we don't currently have blacklisted android devices. I'm afraid the only way to advance is to reproduce in a debugger and break in WebGLContext::SetDimensions.
Or, bisect that down to one changeset (inside the Maple branch probably).
It may be that we're limited to creating 2 GL contexts per process on some devices: Suppose this is the case. Before the maple merge, the Java compositor had one context, and hence context creation for WebGL would succeed. After the maple merge, the compositor is using a GLContext object; however, when we create such an object, we also create a global context (if one hasn't already been created), so we've already created 2 contexts, and then attempts to create a context for WebGL will fail.
(In reply to Benoit Jacob [:bjacob] from comment #13) > Or, bisect that down to one changeset (inside the Maple branch probably). > While I was trying to find a regression range using the maple builds, I've > found that this issue occurs since the first Maple build from 03/09 (regular Nightly build works as expected for this date).
In response to comment #11 mbrubeck's build on this A500 running Ice Cream Sandwich (4.0.3 Acer_AV041_A500_RV03RC01_WW_GEN1) Does in fact show WebGL in about:support and on - it just doesn't actually appear to work on the demo. Soo, at least personally on this A500... Honeycomb: Stable - everything works, including webgl Nightly everything works, except webgl Ice Cream Sandwich: Stable - everything works, including webgl Nightly - nonfunctional. most menu items disabled, links spin endlessly and do not load mbrubeck's fennec - everything works, including it seems webgl, but testing the GnomeGL page did not render
Due to comment #1, I will remove regression-window flag, since this occurs even on the first Maple build. All regular Nightly builds before the merge are working fine.
Summary: WebGL works in Firefox stable, is disabled in Nightly. Acer A500 → WebGL works in Firefox stable, is disabled in Nightly
Is this happening on other devices than the A500?
(In reply to Kevin Brosnan [:kbrosnan] from comment #18) > Is this happening on other devices than the A500? So far there are another 3 devices mentions in comment #6. I'm wondering if this bug occurs because of FroYo and Honeycomb or not.
Oh, hey. FWIW, it looks like Nightly is working now in my ICS install on the A500 too. I don't know why. Maybe rebooting did the trick. Did an update, still worked. At this point A500 + ICS + Nightly acts the same as mbrubeck's build. Browser works, WebGL appears to be active in about:support, sites can detect it, but demos as simple as GnomeGL appear to fail. Perhaps nightly is just using more texture memory so there's none left for the demo? Would this partial failure of WebGL in ICS be more appropriate to a separate bug, or is it a symptom of the same problem?
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Resolved WFM??? What the heck?
This issue still occurs on: Samsung Galaxy S (Captivate), HTC Desire, LG Optimus 2X and Acer A500
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Sorry misinterpreted comment #20
Closed: 13 years ago13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Tegra issues are bug 759225; other devices' issues are likely bug 758323.
tracking-fennec: ? → ---
Product: Firefox for Android → Firefox for Android Graveyard
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