Open Bug 751263 Opened 13 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Buggy change of position of forms' alert boxes for invalid inputs


(Toolkit :: UI Widgets, defect)





(Reporter: spammed.user, Unassigned)




When an invalid HTML5 form is submitted, an alert box is shown to instruct the user what to do. However, if the user or a JS code scrolls the window, the box usually remains where it was in relative to the screen, rather than changing its location to fit the new position of the input element. (This is similar to having 'position: fixed' instead of 'absolute' in CSS.) Occasionally the alert box DOES relocate properly, but even when it happens it delays for a long time.
Severity: minor → normal
Summary: Buggy change of position of alert box → Buggy change of position of forms' alert boxes for invalid inputs
See demonstration here:
Ever confirmed: true
Version: 13 Branch → Trunk
Component: Toolbars → DOM: Validation
Product: Firefox → Core
Was running firefox on the off-screen and not in full screen. The overlay jumped up above firefox where wasn't located
Component: DOM: Validation → DOM: Core & HTML
Component: DOM: Core & HTML → XUL Widgets
Product: Core → Toolkit
One way to improve this for mousewheel scrolling is to apply the patch in bug 804656 and add rolluponmousewheel="true" to the invalid form popup. This will cause the popup to close when the mousewheel is scrolled.
Severity: normal → S3
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