Closed Bug 75205 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Wrong window comes to the front when closing window


(Core :: XUL, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: hsivonen, Assigned: mikepinkerton)


(Whiteboard: OSX)

Build: 2001-03-26 FizzillaCFM Step to reproduce: 1) Open more than two windows (five windows should be enough) 2) Shuffle the stacking order of the windows 3) Minimize a couple of windows in the Dock 4) Close the frontmost window 5) Repeat a few times if necessary Actual results: Many times the window that get activated after one window is closed isn't the next window in the stacking order. Another window further back or even from the Dock pops to the front. Expected results: Expected the next window in the stacking order to become active when the frontmost window is closed.
Henri: I take it from the description that this is specific to OS/X. Is that correct?
sounds like a possible dup of XP z-order bugs, ->danm
Assignee: trudelle → danm
This doesn't happen to me with the Mac OS Classic version but happens with Fizzilla. I'll check on Linux tomorrow.
Doesn't happen on Linux (2001032614).
The above Linux result was with fvwm. Doesn't happens on Solaris (Sparc) with CDE either. (Build 2001041010)
XP z-order code is passive among similar windows; we just make note of whatever the OS told us to do. Hot potato -> pinkerton, who unlike me has a fizilla build.
->pinkerton, really
Assignee: danm → pinkerton
moving my osx bugs to 0.9.2
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.2
Whiteboard: OSX
i don't see windows changing zorder, though i do see windows being activated that are in the dock. seems like we need a check when a window is activated to handle if the window is collapsed. Henri, do you still see window shuffling with the 5/30 build?
i just tested this, and IE and the finder do the same thing. if you open 3 windows, minimize the middle one while it's not frontmost, then close the front window, the 'active' window is the one in the dock. re-open if you continue to see window shuffling, but i think danm fixed all those bugs recently.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Silence is consent, or something ;-] I take it that the behaviour matches pinkerton's description, and there aren't other oddities, Henri?
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