Bug 753861
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
move Web Apps::Desktop Runtime component to Firefox::Webapp Runtime
( :: Administration, task)
(Reporter: myk, Unassigned)
In conjunction with a related discussion in dev.governance about module ownership of the Webapp Runtime code, Webapp Runtime and Firefox leads recently discussed how best to track runtime bugs, and we agreed that the Web Apps::Desktop Runtime component should move to Firefox::Webapp Runtime (i.e. a "Webapp Runtime" component in the Firefox product).
Thus please move the Desktop Runtime component from the Web Apps product to the Firefox product and change its name to Webapp Runtime. Also, change its description to:
The webapp runtime for Firefox, which comprises: the stub executable launcher (i.e. the binary and related files that Firefox creates for each webapp you install to your local computer) and the XUL shell (i.e. the XULRunner application that the launcher uses to load a webapp and provide it with native integration APIs). Note: bugs about Gecko's navigator.mozApps DOM API (i.e. the API that web pages use to request webapp installation) go in Core / DOM: Mozilla Extensions; bugs about Firefox's webapp installer (i.e. the feature that creates a launcher when the user approves an installation request) go in Firefox / Web Apps.
Finally, if trivial, set the target milestone of bugs with milestone "M1" to "Firefox 15" and that of those with "M3" to "Future". (There are only three bugs with any milestone set, so this is not important if it's any trouble, as we can easily fix up those bugs afterward.)
Comment 1•13 years ago
David Lawrence - Can we get traction on this bug? There's confusing arising from the fact that are bugs are in two different products, in which one product doesn't have the firefox-based tags.
Comment 2•13 years ago
Sorry for letting this one slip by. Moving to so the admins can run the proper scripts to move the bugs.
Admin, please execute the following command on from the docroot:
$ ./contrib/reorg-tools/ \
"Web Apps" "Desktop Runtime" \
"Firefox" "Webapp Runtime"
I have already created the new component and made sure the versions and milestones are synced.
Assignee: nobody → server-ops
Component: Administration → Server Operations: Web Operations
Product: →
QA Contact: administration → cshields
Version: Current → other
Comment 3•13 years ago
Moving 74 bugs from Web Apps:Desktop Runtime to Firefox:Webapp Runtime
Assignee: server-ops → ashish
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Updated•13 years ago
Assignee: ashish → nobody
Component: Server Operations: Web Operations → Administration
Product: →
QA Contact: cshields → administration
i've deleted the "Web Apps:Desktop Runtime" component.
do we still need the M1, M2 and M3 milestones on the Firefox product which were added to enable this move? (i don't see any bugs that are using those milestones)
Comment 5•13 years ago
(In reply to Byron Jones ‹:glob› from comment #4)
> i've deleted the "Web Apps:Desktop Runtime" component.
> do we still need the M1, M2 and M3 milestones on the Firefox product which
> were added to enable this move? (i don't see any bugs that are using those
> milestones)
Nope. I took care of switching milestones as follows:
M1 = Firefox 15
M3 = Future
You can get rid of them.
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #5)
> You can get rid of them.
thanks jason, done.
Updated•13 years ago
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