Bug 762117
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Deliverable List
( :: General, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bensternthal, Assigned: tshahian)
We need a deliverable list to help plan production.
== Video
1. What format will the videos(s) EC1 provides us be in?
2. How will EC1 handle the translations. Will they be providing a video file for each language?
== Page Design
1. Who is responsible for the page design EC1 or Mozilla
2. If EC1 will they be providing the entire code for the page
3. For text on the page that is translated, what format will EC1 be providing this in
Comment 1•13 years ago
Hey Ben. My understanding is that we'll now be embedding this into existing Mozilla pages (that are already in the works) rather than creating a new one. Does that change the scope at all?
Tara, Jaclyn - please confirm the above (or set me straight if I'm wrong).
Hi, this video will be uploaded onto Youtube rather than being coded into a website
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Comment 3•13 years ago
This could change the scope and how webprod treats this project . . .
I would say if the following is true:
1) This is not living on a custom page/url
2) It's a single youtube video embedded into various pages
3) Those pages are all known by WebProd and already being tracked elsewhere (perhaps tracked here:
4) L10N is being handled in the normal way for all pages included in #3 nothing special or custom related to the video
Then I do not think we need to track the video as a separate webprod project (as we have been doing). To me this would just be another deliverable that is needed to complete those pages.
If the above is correct and Tara agrees, I can "cancel" this as a sep webprod project and we can track this as a blocker to the pages it will live on.
Tara: Can you review the above and advise.
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Comment 4•13 years ago
Hi there
Yes, the above is true. sorry i thought we had discussed that already - that this will be a traditional video file vs. a separate project to track for webdev. my apologies if there were lingering questions. meanwhile, i've pinged chris more and mike alexis to inform them of other things to juice up existing pages - collaborating with that same agency ... Particle... to code in some light animations on pages promoting the Android release. `but as it relates to this project, comment 3 is true and we can cancel this bug.
Comment 5•13 years ago
Ok - cancelling!
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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Comment 6•13 years ago
No prob. Will cancel.
Comment 7•13 years ago
Tara/John: If we want to use this traditional video in a future snippet release, we will need to upload a webm/ogg version to the Mozilla CDN. We currently can't do YouTube videos in Snippets like we can on our websites. Please make sure the agency can provide the video in open formats for future non-YouTube uses.
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Comment 8•13 years ago
thanks `chris
we can ask them, but i believe converting videos to webm and ogg is pretty easy right? i used to have the software for it on my computer and it didn't take long at all... rainer can also help with that if you guys aren't equipped to do it.
either way, we'll get the conversions done. thanks for the reminder
Updated•12 years ago
Component: → General
Product: Websites →
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