Bug 767884
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 13 years ago
Latest Flash Player version is not recognized as the latest on plugin check webpage
(Websites ::, defect)
(Not tracked)
of bug 767740
(Reporter: basketx, Unassigned)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.7; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
Build ID: 20120614114901
Steps to reproduce:
Hi, am running Firefox 13.0.1 in my Mac Mini (mid-2011) OS X 10.7.4 for the past week or two, and it's Good so far; problem is in Check Your Plugins page after I updated today (2012/06/24) my Shockwave Flash plugin (formerly v11.2.202.235) by taking Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.257 from Adobe Download page where it is the latest, newest version, and running the installation of the .dmg file and ending with Install Adobe Flash, 11.8 MB, Created/Modified/Last Opened: 2012/05/31 8:31 PM. The Add-ons plugins list then changed to show the latest version.
Actual results:
This version 11.3.300.257 now shows in the Tools>Add-ons>Plugins list, but the button marked "Check to see if your plugins are up to date" takes me to Check Your Plugins page, and the problem is that this page now lists Status "Outdated version," and the Action button is Yellow and marked "Update" on a hyperlink to, despite the fact that the item is listed and identified as Shockwave Flash 11.3 r 300. Clicking the Action button takes me to the same page where that button (then gray) sent me to get the download of FPlayer v11.3.300.257 for my Mac OS X 10.7.4 machine with Firefox13. After several tries "running these traps," the Action button is still Yellow, and Adobe stays with asserting that v11.3.300.257 IS the latest released. Please advise me whether this is a result of some malware, or maybe I screwed up somewhere, or is this already reported; and will it be fixed soon?
Expected results:
The Check Your plugins page should show Status as 11.3.300.257, and the Action button should be GREEN with legnd, Up, to Date.
No crash here, but added info FYI: Confirm correct Flash plugin version at Adobe support website, e.g.,
Also, please be advised that Firefox was closed and restarted after the download and installation reported Success, and only after restart was the 2nd Plugins check performed, and the plugins check page has been refreshed several times, always the result is the same.
Keywords: addon-compat
Whiteboard: Check Yr Plugins does not accept latest version as being the latest, but Adobe website does.
Comment 2•13 years ago
Confirmed also on Aurora 15 with Flash Player 11.3.300.257
Component: Untriaged →
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: addon-compat
Product: Firefox → Websites
QA Contact: untriaged → plugins-mozilla-org
Summary: Updated Latest ShkwvFlash Plugin11.3.300.257 for OSX 10.7.4 &restarted Firefox13.0.1, Yet CheckYrPlugins pg has Status=Outdated Version, & Action button=Yellow + "Update". → Latesst Flash Player version is not recognized as the latest on plugin check webpage
Whiteboard: Check Yr Plugins does not accept latest version as being the latest, but Adobe website does.
Version: 13 Branch → unspecified
Depends on: 763765
Summary: Latesst Flash Player version is not recognized as the latest on plugin check webpage → Latest Flash Player version is not recognized as the latest on plugin check webpage
Updated•13 years ago
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Thanx, you all. Am sorry my Search in Bugzilla reported nothing and didn't turn up the earlier item #767740, maybe I used too many words, not simple enough. This was my first Bugzilla, and I learned from it. Thank you for correcting the plugins check page's database.
Comment 5•13 years ago
Thanks for filing the bug! It's better to file a duplicate than for the problem to go unreported.
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