Closed Bug 770940 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Version 13.0.1 cannot connect to Yahoo email account POP or SMTP


(Thunderbird :: Account Manager, defect)

13 Branch
Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kvormwald, Unassigned)


User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.56 Safari/536.5 Steps to reproduce: Thunderbird version 12.0.1 was working just fine (and still is working just fine for my wife on her WinXP PC on the same network). My MS Vista PC auto-installed version 13.0.1 and ever since I have not been able to connect to my Yahoo email account. I cannot send or receive emails via Thunderbird v13.0.1. Actual results: I click on Get Mail and the notice in the lower right indicates it is connecting to In the lower right corner I see the green progress scroll bar. After about 5 seconds or so, both notices stop and there is no reply of any kind from Thunderbird indicating any connection failure. It just doesn't download any of the 50 or so emails in my Yahoo inbox. Sending an email pops up the Connecting to which will sit there until it times out. I can ping both the POP and SMTP servers fine and my wife's Thunderbird version 12.0.1 still works just fine to the same Yahoo servers. Expected results: I did not change any Thunderbird account settings, have not made any changes to my ISP or email service provider, no changes to the home network equipment. The only difference is the upgrade from version 12.0.1 to 13.0.1. that occurred a week or 10 days ago.
Hardware: x86 → All
Can you check that your firwall allows Thunderbird to connect ?
I'm only running the Windows Firewall. I turned it off and tried again to connect with no luck. Then I tried deleting my main email account and re-create it and Thunderbird won't allow me to re-create the email account. It first tells me "Configuration found in Mozilla ISP database" which I think is good. Then when I click "Create Account" it comes back with "Checking password..." and then "Configuration could not be verified - is the username or password wrong?". The UN/PW is correct as I have been using that to login to my Yahoo account via the Internet ever since this problem first occurred.
This bug can be closed. Thanks for the suggestions. I shut down and restarted the computer and Thunderbird 13.0.1 began to work as expected. Apparently, there was something in the 13.0.1 auto-download-install cycle that must have altered the registry or otherwise required a computer restart in order to complete the installation. I'm one of those that very rarely ever turns my PC off unless I'm forced/told to.
Resolving wfm per reporter's comment 3.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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