Bug 772505
Opened 13 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
SPS Profiler's little popout UI panel causes severe performance degradation, throwing off profiles
(Core :: Gecko Profiler, defect)
(Reporter: kael, Unassigned)
The popout panel that appears when you click the 'Profiler: Status' add-on bar panel has severe performance consequences that show up in recorded profiles.
If you make minimum use of the panel (only open it to start/stop profiling) it will only add roughly 0.5-1 seconds worth of noise to your profile, that you can ignore by filtering - if you know to ignore it - but if you leave it open to observe the shiny sparkline, it will absolutely fill your profile with noise generated by rendering gradients, svg filters, etc. See the following for an example:
Turn on 'merge unbranched call paths' and drill down into the obvious hotspot. You can see a bunch of CPU time here is going to rendering the browser and profiler UI.
Comment 1•13 years ago
I've been wondering if that graph was useful at all. It could probably be made optional.
Comment 2•13 years ago
It's not useful, it's mostly 'for show' and make the UI a bit nicer. I wouldn't be terribly sad to see it go. But we will always get some noise when starting/stopping the profile from the panel. I normally use the hotkeys which removes this noise but add key event processing.
Comment 3•12 years ago
The graph has been removed since it wasn't useful at all.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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