Closed Bug 777611 Opened 13 years ago Closed 10 years ago

FF15 beta - Add-on manager installs versions "unavailable" for FF 15.


( Graveyard :: Public Pages, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: billachenal, Unassigned)


(Keywords: addon-compat)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux i686; rv:15.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/15.0 Build ID: 20120724174602 Steps to reproduce: I went to install the English English dictionary, starting by right-click within gmail compose. A-OM installs it without complaint or query, although it is shown as "unavailable" on its own page. Actual results: Firstly I am taken to where U/S English is head of the bunch for my locale, and proper English is relegated to the All Locales list. This in itself is annoying. Following the link for English {"English (British)", it seems} to I see "Not available for Firefox 15.0" {Which I find insulting & rather unlikely. Someone doesn't like Limeys over there? The selection of what languages had/had not been enabled looks vaguely racist from here.} Next I went to the Add-on Manager page (which is horrid, by the way), searched for "british english", and out of curiosity tried to install it. ... which it did without complaint. That seems to be a bug - A-OM isn't catching the putative "unavailability". Expected results: 1) If an add-on is truly "unavailable" in a new version, I think the AOM should be checking for that & not just installing it without complaint or query. (** Yes, I know I can over-ride the warning. Not the point.) 2) I don't see why the dictionary addons can't be restartless. I would like that. 3) In the "available in your locale" header is spurious (functionally meaningless) & should be dropped. If the system locale has been imposed, rather than chosen, it is just plain annoying. 3) There should be an easier option to use external dictionaries, such as the one connected with Linux. It has been observed elsewhere that the Tyndall dictionaries have certain inadequacies. 4) Unless there is good reason arising out of new spellcheck handling, all of the language dictionaries should be permitted in new versions (they are just lists, no?), and care should be taken not deliberately to offend national groups. That should be automatic, or on a check-list somewhere.
Dictionaries are compatible by default, so they should be installed even though not compatible (as opposed to language packs). Seems AMO lists them as incompatible, though.
Component: Untriaged → Public Pages
Product: Firefox →
Version: 15 Branch → unspecified
Keywords: addon-compat
Thanks for filing this. Due to resource constraints we are closing bugs which we won't realistically be able to fix. If you have a patch that applies to this bug please reopen. For more info see
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Product: → Graveyard
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