Bug 790413
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
decom or upgrade c01 databases to MySQL 5.1
(Data & BI Services Team :: DB: MySQL, task)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: scabral, Assigned: rbryce)
(Whiteboard: [2012q4])
The last binary log on tp-c01-master01 was written to on Aug 30th.
-rw-rw---- 1 mysql mysql 117M Aug 30 07:33 tp-c01-master01-bin.002414
And that binary log spans April through August. So very little, if anything is using this server. Decommission it or upgrade to MySQL 5.1.
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Comment 2•12 years ago
Checked those files, and the Aug 30th writing was dropping users and databases:
#120830 7:33:17 server id 8070071 end_log_pos 122457120 Query thread_id=14552410 exec_time=0error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1346337197/*!*/;
drop user webdiaries@
# at 122457120
#120830 7:33:28 server id 8070071 end_log_pos 122457210 Query thread_id=14552410 exec_time=0error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1346337208/*!*/;
drop user 'sfx-video'@
# at 122457210
#121008 12:43:05 server id 8070071 end_log_pos 122457331 Query thread_id=19023712 exec_time=0error_code=0
SET TIMESTAMP=1349725385/*!*/;
drop database if exists rockyourfirefox_com
The only write since then is updating the password for the nagiosdaemon user. Nothing's writing to these servers.
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Comment 3•12 years ago
Just FYI:
mysql> show databases;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| addons_forums_phpbb |
| air_mozilla_com_wp |
| basket_mozilla_com |
| blog_lizardwrangler |
| blog_mozilla_com_wp |
| blog_mozillafoundation_org_wp |
| brendaneich_com |
| byob |
| cnmonitor |
| contribute_mozilla_org |
| creative_mozilla_org |
| dnt_mozilla_org |
| drumbeat_org_civicrm |
| drumbeat_org_drupal |
| ebaycompanion_emails |
| extendfirefox_contest |
| extendfirefox_contest3 |
| extendfirefox_mobile_contest |
| ffparty |
| firefoxflicks |
| firefoxflicks_wp_backstage |
| firefoxflicks_wp_webdiaries |
| getfirebug_blog |
| getfirebug_com_perch |
| hacks_mozilla_org_wp |
| headrush |
| input_mozilla_com |
| jetpackgallery_mozillalabs_com |
| kubla |
| kubla_mozillaonline |
| labs_mozilla_org_extend_3_5 |
| labs_smf |
| labs_vanilla |
| labs_wordpress |
| labs_wpmu |
| ldapmonitor |
| livetitles_wp |
| mozilla_europe |
| mozilla_input_metrics |
| mozillaparty_com |
| mpl_mozilla_org |
| mysql |
| openweb |
| pastebin |
| personas |
| priorartshare_wp |
| rsvp |
| securityquiz_facebook_m_c |
| sfx_v2 |
| spark_mozilla_org |
| spreadfirefox |
| survey_firstrun |
| survey_mozilla_europe |
| survey_university |
| userpanel |
| warnings_build_mozilla_org |
| wiki_evang_deki |
| wiki_getfirebug_com |
| wiki_mdc |
| wiki_mdc_cluster |
| wiki_mozorg |
| www_spreadfirefox_com_5years |
63 rows in set (0.00 sec)
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Comment 4•12 years ago
dumitru can you confirm that the phx pp-lb08 load balancers show no traffic for the tp-c01-rw-zeus and tp-c01-r0-zeus VIPs?
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Comment 5•12 years ago
We have shut down mysql on the c01 slave and master, and dumitru has turned off the VIPs. After we confirm that we can shut these down next week, we will:
[17:17:54] <%dumitru> sheeri: decommission the nodes, clean up DNS, inventory, Zeus.
And I will save a backup of the db on the host just in case.
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Comment 6•12 years ago
Giving to dumitru to do all the cleanup in comment 5 and removal from nagios and puppet too. (I can help if needed)
Assignee: server-ops-database → dgherman
Assignee | ||
Comment 7•12 years ago
removed from puppet & nagios. Servers powered down and marked as *decomm* in inventory.
Assignee: dgherman → rbryce
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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Comment 8•12 years ago
reopening for clarity:
Has DNS been cleaned up and Zeus updated? we no longer need the Zeus stuff either, the db-c01-ro and db-c01-rw and the corresponding pools.
Comment 9•12 years ago
I cleaned up DNS and Zeus.
Updated•10 years ago
Product: → Data & BI Services Team
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