Closed Bug 791588 Opened 12 years ago Closed 7 years ago

Need API for


(Mozilla Reps Graveyard ::, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: Debloper, Unassigned)


It'll be awesome to have an API set up to connect to the backend & request/post data directly without having/needing to access the web-interface. The idea is to access the backend from the community sites, to make it easier to perform some tasks which are pre-configured for that particular community. That will also result in more moderated/controlled inputs in most cases when used properly. e.g #1: Reps uses the community-site's portal to register for an event > He uses a custom form tailored for his community (most of the time, with lesser number of inputs) > The request goes to the community managers for approval > approved registrations gets posted to the reps portal via the API authenticated for that particular community website. e.g #2: Local community sites want to display the reps-on-map data just like the reps-portal. But to avoid manual input & constant syncing, uses an API to get the particular data of the reps of that region & shows them on maps. I'm not asking to consider only these 2 examples, neither I'm asking for pondering the necessity/likeliness of these 2 cases. Use cases can be many, once we have the API.
Hey Debloper, A GET API already exists for Various API related bugs can be found with a simple search [1], and you can find an example of the API being used with my plugin for supybot [2]. As for an API to allow you to edit data on, although I don't think this can currently be done, I'm pretty sure I've heard plans for it in the near-future. Because of the above, I'm marking this bug as a duplicate of the original API bug. [1];short_desc=api;bug_status=UNCONFIRMED;bug_status=NEW;bug_status=ASSIGNED;bug_status=REOPENED;bug_status=RESOLVED;bug_status=VERIFIED;bug_status=CLOSED;;product=Mozilla%20Reps;short_desc_type=allwordssubstr;resolution=---;resolution=FIXED;resolution=INVALID;resolution=WONTFIX;resolution=DUPLICATE;resolution=WORKSFORME;resolution=INCOMPLETE;resolution=SUPPORT;resolution=EXPIRED;resolution=MOVED;query_format=advanced [2]
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Hey Leo, As mentioned above, I'm not looking for any particular API (if the examples might mislead you), neither I am unaware of fragmented implementations of several GET requests. The point of this bug is, we need a fully fledged API for the reps-portal - and thus, can't be a DUP of a partial bug. Although, this can be an umbrella bug of all API requests, if required. Furthermore, only GET APIs are not enough, (the very reason I've put a POST example before a GET one to prioritize it, as GET is already has a little bit coverage) - we need complete API action coverages with proper documentation. I understand when you say "I don't think this can currently be done" - I'm not expecting an overnight turnout either :P and about the "plans for near future"... yeah - that's where this bug come in (if you have any prior bug discussing the same plan for near future, feel free to DUP again - I didn't find any, bug 775027 is closest among what I got ;).
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
This one fell through the cracks & is overdue for a long time. Let's make Reps' portal more useful & developer/tooling friendly.
Closed: 12 years ago7 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Mozilla Reps → Mozilla Reps Graveyard
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