Closed Bug 795178 Opened 12 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Hosting request for


(Mozilla Reps Graveyard :: Community IT Requests, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: tomer, Assigned: Ash)




(Whiteboard: [approved])

Hi, I'd like to know if it is possible to move our site into the Mozilla communities hosting, so we could speed-up our site and have space to develop our new site. Currently we are hosting on DreamHost after moving away from SourceForge few years ago. Having our site located in Europe could mean that access to our site would be speedier. Our site is running on a LAMP stack some PHP applications such as WordPress, phpBB and MediaWiki, as well as some custom scripts and has some static content served using Server Side Includes (although I am planning to get rid of the outdated technology of SSI). I'd very appreciate if the host could allow us to run other applications at the future such as our own instance of applications such as Pootle/Transifex/Narro/Bugzilla although this is not a most at the moment. We would also need SSH access with rsync enabled in order backup our storage space and databases. Currently we have few databases, which the largest by far is our community forum which its size is around 50mb right now.
Meets Reps criteria. Approved!
Flags: remo-approval+
Whiteboard: [approved]
i can setup for you a hosting account on a shared server. Will you be the main contact we can talk to?
otherwise, can you give me some informations please to justify if you'll need a shared or virtual private server ? i'll need to know how much traffic and visitors you have on your website.
(In reply to Ash from comment #2) > i can setup for you a hosting account on a shared server. Will you be the > main contact we can talk to? Yes, please set me as a contact. (In reply to Ash from comment #3) > otherwise, can you give me some informations please to justify if you'll > need a shared or virtual private server ? Shared could be enough for our current needs. > i'll need to know how much traffic and visitors you have on your website. Successful requests: 517,115 (100,114) Average successful requests per day: 17,247 (14,301) Successful requests for pages: 333,699 (60,292) Average successful requests for pages per day: 11,129 (8,613) Data transferred: 4.02 gigabytes (798.02 megabytes) Average data transferred per day: 137.32 megabytes (114.00 megabytes)
Hosting created , Check your mail for all informations regarding your account :) I'll close this bug as soon as you'll tell me it's ok.
Assignee: nobody → Ash
Flags: needinfo?(tomer.moz.bugs)
I can confirm that I've received the two email messages this morning. I'll update this bug as soon as I get to check it out as it seems that the network on the insitute I am studing at are blocking connections to the control panel ports.
I can confirm that I can connect to the hosting panel, but have a very disturbing question. Is it possible to have less restricted SSH access on the server? We are using our multi-user SSH access on DreamHost in order to update the site and extract updated content from remote GIT repositories. So far I've found that it is possible to access only chrooted bash shell which I find is too limited for me (Well, it is impossible even to add SSH certificates on the user account!).
Flags: needinfo?(tomer.moz.bugs)
Also, I find it very difficult to work on the server when the site loads from a different user than the user account, as it make it more difficult to update web applications such as WordPress directly. I've workaround this by switching from mod_php to FastCGI. As for SSH, it is difficult to fetch files from the server using rsync+ssh, as rsync is inaccessible, and it is impossible to backup the databases automatically as mysqldump is inaccessible, in addition to the preferred way to connect using SSH public keys and less restrictive shell.
We're in the process of making ssh access more comfortable, stay tuned.
(In reply to Arzhel Younsi [:XioNoX] from comment #9) > We're in the process of making ssh access more comfortable, stay tuned. Does the SSH option gone for good? It stopped working for me recently, and I can't find how to enable it again in the administration panel.
See Also: → 971439
Is it possible to have suPHP installed on the server, or something similar in order to provide better privacy on the shared server? Also, I'd suggest updating the PHP version to provide better security as well. The installed version is PHP 5.3.3, while the supported versions as listed on are the following: 5.6.1 5.5.17 5.4.33 5.3.29
Flags: needinfo?(Ash)
Tomer, was this resolved?
Flags: needinfo?(tomer.moz.bugs)
There hasn't been a reply here in some time. Resolving INCOMPLETE. Please reopen if there's more to do. Clearing needsinfo on Ash as he's not currently helping with community ops.
Flags: needinfo?(Ash)
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Mozilla Reps → Mozilla Reps Graveyard
Cleaning the ticket info
Flags: needinfo?(tomer.moz.bugs)
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