Closed Bug 805341 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Enable the asterisk module in puppet for cn-adminoffice01


(Infrastructure & Operations :: Telecom, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: justdave, Assigned: justdave)


The Beijing phone server is not currently using the asterisk class in puppet, and also is missing a bunch of our standard configuration for interoffice calling and conference rooms and so forth as a result. It doesn't use any DUNDi routing, instead assuming that certain ranges of extensions belong to Mountain View and Mountain View has a static route for the block of extensions that Beijing is using (which may or may not be advertised to other office servers, so those extensions might not work from anywhere other than Mountain View). I'd like to get Beijing using the same inter-office routing mechanism as all of the other offices, to ensure that its extensions are reachable from everywhere, and to ensure that conference rooms actually work, no matter where they are hosted. I'd like to schedule a time to make this switch, though, as the changes required may be briefly disruptive. I can't imagine the switch taking more than 10 minutes, and I can easily do it during the middle of the night in Beijing, but I want to make sure people know in advance in case there are any side effects, so people in Beijing know to report anything strange the next day. This should not affect the main phone menu or inbound phone calls coming into the Beijing office, or outbound calling from Beijing to local numbers in China, it should only affect routing between offices and possibly how the x92 conference system works.
yli: can you suggest when a good time would be for this? Also: I want to make sure you know what's going on before we start, so we can make sure there are no surprises and make sure that we don't break anything important. So, before we actually set a time, if you have any questions that I didn't already answer above, please ask. :)
Flags: needinfo?(yli)
Hi Dave, The Beijing employee had known what you will do. You can do it today evening (2012-10-25 19:00 ~ 2012-10-26 09:00, Beijing Time). I will check it tomorrow morning. Thanks a lot!
Flags: needinfo?(yli)
OK, this initial pass of this is done... I'm working on resolving a few of the unforeseen side-effects still. Additional things that came in with this that I had forgotten about: - The telephones will all flash a newer version of the firmware the next time they reboot. - The timezone configuration in the phone configs got reset to North American daylight savings time configurations, which will most likely cause the time display on the phones to be an hour off (because North America is currently in Daylight Savings, and China is not). - The language settings got reset, so the buttons on the phones will be in English instead of Chinese. The newer firmware is a good thing (bugfixes and so forth). I'm working on fixing the configuration part. I should be able to revert both of those but I'm pushing 9am already right now so I'm not sure I'll have it in place by the time you open up for the day.
Actually, I think your phones are fine for now... what got updated was the provisioning templates, not the live phone configs. As long as we don't tell the GUI to reprovision the phones they won't pick up the broken configs.
The box is way behind on security updates, I've had an update run going for a while, but it's being really slow. It needs a reboot when it finishes... it may be a while at the rate it's going. Shouldn't interfere with anything in the meantime. Might be a 10 minute disruption once the update is done for it to reboot, but I can probably hold off on the reboot part until after hours tonight again.
Hi Dave, Looks like fine for Beijing office. You can do it with you plan. Thanks again!
This was done a long time ago, forgot to close the bug :)
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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