Closed Bug 806858 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[et] translate Mozilla Annual Report for 2011 ("State of Mozilla")


( :: L10N, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pascalc, Unassigned)



The Mozilla annual report, called State of Mozilla, will be public on November 11. If your translation, is ready for this date, it will be published and promoted simultaneously as English, but since does continuous deployment, we can of course push your translation whenever it is ready of course. This year the report is on 2 pages but longer pages than last year. The pages on the staging site is there: Note that the pages design is not final but the text content is, so you will probably see visual changes to this page before it becomes public. There are videos linked but they are not available, as soon as we have them, we will probably use the Universal Subtitles service to translate them. There are 2 lang files to translate: As usual, send these translation directly on svn or attach the files to this bug and I will send them myself. Use a pure text editor and make sure the file is saved in UTF8 If you see visual issues for your locale (bad fonts, overflowing content, margins...), please indicate it in this bug. There is one string that has two undefined numerals in the same sentence (we don't have the numbers yet) that may cause problem for locales with complex plurals (Breton, Polish...) but should not be a problem for most of the locales, here it is: Mozillaâs consolidated reported revenue (Mozilla Foundation and all subsidiaries) for 2011 was %(revenue)s million, up approximately %(increase)s percent from 2010. As soon as we get these numbers, I will spread this information so as that you can adjust your sentence if necessary. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to ask me! Thanks Pascal
Wontfixing for your locale
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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