Closed Bug 812209 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Create a marketplace blog


(Websites Graveyard ::, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: andy+bugzilla, Unassigned)


I'd like to get a blog going for the marketplace. Can we get one at: please and give me access to write posts for it.
So it looks like is intended to cover the marketplace. Can I get access to that to post and review on that please? If anyone else wants to do that, add yourself to this bug :)
Summary: Create a marketplace blog → Give me access to the apps blog
I'd also like access!
a=clouserw if it's needed for those two to have access to b.m.o/apps/
Hi Andy & Wraithan, The idea is that will be heavily populated with business-focused content (i.e. Marketing/Sales). This will cover the aurora & beta period. After this we plan to also incorporate consumer-focused material (as we go into GA). What kind of content did you want to post?
Weekly updates of changes to the marketplace. New features. New tools that we are providing. Technical updates (anything that involves code detailed discussions) go to the webdev or other relevant blogs.
Hmmm, I hadn't completely considered what I was thinking about writing about. Probably more code oriented stuff. Perhaps I should put that on webdev instead. I rescind my request if the blog is more business side of things.
Hey guys, To re-iterate Diana, the blog is very business focused. All the content has to be understood by marketing/BD/finance guys. WRT new tools/features, such updates would only be relevant if they are apparent to the end-user. If the end-user doesn't see the new feature/tool, it isn't relevant for this blog. Thanks guys... really appreciate the enthusiasm. Ron
Would there be enough focused and frequent app-related dev content to justify setting up a separate blog for app developers? b.m.o/appdev/ perhaps? Otherwise it's easy to make a category on /webdev for marketplace stuff.
Im concerned about: "understood by marketing/BD/finance", that seems very limiting to me. I think this a valid place to have blog posts about what the marketplace team is doing, new features that are being added and changes that are being made. These should be high level and features that impact end users. They would be low frequency and one or two a week, one of which would be a summary of all the new features we've pushed to the marketplace this week, the same as addons and sumo do on their blogs. I think a blog post saying "hey we've got a marketplace api" is appropriate. And then a blog post a few weeks later saying "hey we've added some new features to the api". I don't know if I finance person would appreciate that though.
Hi Andy I understand your point re: "Im concerned about: "understood by marketing/BD/finance", that seems very limiting to me." but that is the purpose of this blog. It is specifically tailored to BD's purposes of communicating at a high-level with other marketing/BD people. I agree that blog posts about new features and APIs are important, but they aren't the right content for this blog. The focus of this blog is on business opportunities that the Marketplace presents (ie: marketing, discovery, monetization, etc) I highlight this a little in the inaugural post: Happy to talk more live if that helps.
Where would you recommend we put this information then?
The more I think about it the more it seems like we should have a separate blog targeted to app developers, whereas the /apps blog is more targeted to partners, press, and consumers. I know devengage has a whole initiative to communicate with app developers, provide them with the docs and tools they need, etc, as a major part of getting Firefox OS off the ground. A seperate appdev blog seems like a good channel for that, and the logical place for news about APIs and such. We should loop in someone from devengage but I'm not sure who is leading that charge (Mark Coggins I think?) And if we do create this new blog, I'd suggest putting a prominent link in the /apps sidebar.
If we start a new appdev blog I'd like access to that!
Based on above, let's start a blog at /marketplace and leave apps alone as per comment 1.
Summary: Give me access to the apps blog → Create a marketplace blog
Guys, i think the Hacks blog would be very interested in technical posts about Apps & Marketplace -- esp dev tools for apps developers. lately we've had FxOS Simulator posts on Hacks, I'm hoping to get a Mortar post there next, but other technical coverage too. I've added Robt Nyman to this thread -- the nice thing about Hacks is that there's already a strong volume of readers there. Not that it has to be either/or, but for 'big' news think about pinging me or Robert. thanks.
My team, too, is interested in blogging about interesting developer-facing stuff in 2013, like a new API call being added to the submission API, or a new web component being released. I am not a fan of adding many different blogs for these things, as the respective reader base will end up being very small. May I suggest we just create a new component on the webdev blog and talk about developer stuff there? The effort we'd put into designing an appdev blog we should then put into (mildly) redesigning the webdev blog so its focus includes open web apps. This would leave us with three blogs: - -- End-user-only marketing content - -- updates of interest to developers - -- polished, in-depth developer-facing articles What do you think?
I think that cross-posting and link cross-pollination is awesome- it would be slick for us to have a Marketplace-specific clearing house for technical information as sort of a canonical blog for Marketplace info, then the diaspora of apps-related blogs for similar content.
We've taken over the webdev team, now lets take over the blog :) It's not the choice I was hoping for, but such is life. As long as we don't mind that the marketplace/webdev blog will have stuff other than the marketplace on it. And the webdev team don't mind my goal of at least 2 blog posts a week on the marketplace on their blog, then let's do this and see how it goes.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Web Dev isn't quite what it used to be any more. Posting Marketplace updates on that blog seems very odd given the team status. The blog posts about updates to the Marketplace have shown to be very useful and are used by many people as a "release notes" for the Marketplace. I think having a Marketplace blog is more relevant than either and hence I'm resurrecting this original request as per comment 0.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Andy -I'd like to discuss the content of this blog w/Ron more. The content of should be broadened beyond BD (we can have tags and categories) but adding *another* blog does not make sense and makes it harder to find content for your audience. We should be doing what we can to add to content and traffic on this blog. We also need to leverage Hacks (which has already built a Web dev audience) for appropriate things. We also have the Future of Firefox blog that tells early adopters what's coming next:
I don't mind setting up another blog. If we want market reach we would use the Hacks blog, that's got bazillions of readers. I want something I can point App developers, OEMs, Payment integrators and all the other partners too to get updates on the Marketplace. We'd add specific links to the Marketplace, emails that we send and so on. So we'd get the people we need, not necessarily lots of them, but hit our target market.
I'd like to move forward on this. Have you had change to speak to Ron about this?
Flags: needinfo?(ej)
I have a meeting w/him tomorrow, but we are really trying to streamline outbound communications channels- we have hundreds and more = more fragmentation. Hacks is supposed to be for all Web developers and the existing apps blog should not just be for BD purposes.
Flags: needinfo?(ej)
Guys... we've had a blog for over 9 months...
(In reply to Ron Piovesan from comment #24) > Guys... we've had a blog for over 9 months... We've had a blog we can't post to for over 9 months:
Andy- following back up here to repeat my recommendation. It does NOT make sense to have an apps and a marketplace blog. We are trying to streamline communications channels not create more to fragment our audiences more. If you want to post about cool things developers can do or something you want them to test w/FFOS and it's technical or includes code snippets, we should be trying to leverage Hacks. We can talk more w/Robert but he is focused on that blog being for all Web developers - which is what we say we are targeting w/FFOS. For discussions there should be forums/google groups if there aren't already. If we have a case study, small announcement, new feature, app, trend, any bit of news we want to share, then that can be put on the more mainstream apps blog. We can also leverage the Future of Firefox about things coming soon. Please send some of the posts you'd like to see go up and let's see if we can make them work on Hacks or the Apps blog. Otherwise, we'll need to look at tags/sections for "apps for developers" vs "apps" or killing the current blog and revisiting the outbound communications strategy for apps overall. If we need to discuss further, please set up a meeting since this bug doesn't seem to solve it.
If we can use the apps blog for marketplace stuff, that's just great. You can see pretty clearly the stuff we'd like to post on the blog here: I've filed bug 912115 to get us access to the blog so we can post. Thanks for your help.
Closed: 12 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
No problem- I'm happy to talk and help more as we figure out what the best outbound communications strategy is. For example, maybe some of this should stay on the webdev blog or things like weekly status reports of open bugs etc would be better as emails/forums than blog posts- they should go to an email list or forum. But some of the announcements and changes/updates/additions to the marketplace - the posts that have a story/some detail would be great for the existing apps blogs.
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
Product: Websites Graveyard → Websites
Product: Websites → Websites Graveyard
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