Closed Bug 813282 Opened 12 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Table rendering anomaly in FF 17.0 on Win7 64-bit Ultimate


(Core :: Layout: Tables, defect)

16 Branch
Windows 7





(Reporter: macuc, Unassigned)



(1 file)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:16.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/16.0 Build ID: 20121024073032 Steps to reproduce: Viewed table on this web site using FF 16.0.2, Chrome 23.0.1271.64 m, and IE 9.0 on Windows 7 64-bit Ultimate edition, with a screen resolution of 1366x768 pixels... Actual results: Table renders correctly on Chrome and IE. On Firefox, table looks correct until you scroll down the page. The section of table that was just below the window frame before scrolling has a horizontal shift to the right equal to the outer border width of the table. If you continue scrolling further down, there will be a corresponding shift to the left. If you leave the page scrolled to an area that displays the break/shift and refresh the page, that area of the table will be correctly rendered, but scrolling up or down will reveal horizontal breaks/shifts in table above and below the area initially rendered in the window. Expected results: Table should correctly render both in original display area, and in areas revealed by scrolling.
looks of for me with Firefox16.0.2 and Seamonkey trunk on windows7 Could you attach a screenshot ?
Summary: Table rendering anomaly in FF 16.0.2 on Win7 64-bit Ultimate → Table rendering anomaly in FF 17.0 on Win7 64-bit Ultimate
Changed title of bug since 16.0.2 is gone. Same rendering anomaly shows up in 17.0. Does not show up in Chrome or IE on the same computer. Attached screenshot of anomaly. The closer I look at it the stranger it seems. It only seems to effect the outer border of the table, not the inner contents or inner borders. It always happens to off-screen portions of the table, and of course is only revealed after scrolling.
Component: Untriaged → Layout
Product: Firefox → Core
Component: Layout → Layout: Tables
Severity: normal → S3

testcase page is gone

Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE

Holy Moley! This is a bug I reported 10 year ago. I had completely forgotten about this.

Yes, the test case page is long, long gone. I have no idea if the problem is gone, but I haven't seen anything like it lately.

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