Bug 817231
Opened 12 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
TB17: missing title bar and window won't take focus from mouse when trying to drag it (need to test TB-UX of Win7 Snap feature)
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: david, Unassigned)
(2 files)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:17.0) Gecko/17.0 Firefox/17.0
Build ID: 20121119183901
Steps to reproduce:
Update from previous TB to TB17
Actual results:
"Mozilla Thunderbird..." disappeared from the top of the window, and the window won't take focus from the mouse to move it except intermittently when you click on the left where "Mozilla Thunderbird..." should be. When you gain focus, the rest of the top of the window from completely from left to right has mouse focus to move the window.
Expected results:
Window should show "Mozilla Thunderbird..." across the top, and you should be able to move the window by clicking on any part of the top of the window.
Comment 1•12 years ago
david, thanks for calling & we appreciate that it'll take time for existing users to get used to the new design.
The window's title bar was removed by design, to save vertical screen real estate. Starting from TB17, TB will use the space of title bar to draw tabs, or, for existing users like you, the menu bar.
The good news is, the full functionality of the title bar has been retained even though we now use it to draw our own UI.
- Mimimize, Maximize/Restore, Close buttons are available & functional
- When Restored (to window size), you can drag the window as you normally would (TB adds an extra top margin above tabs or menu bar to allow dragging)
- when "restored", double-click extra top margin will maximize the window
All of these work correctly for me on WinXP/TB17.
There are two bits of legacy windows title bar functionality which no longer work exactly as before (but they are very easy to reach elsewhere):
1) you can no longer double-click in the upper-left corner of title bar to close application (but single-click on the right [x] is easier than that)
2) for existing users who prefer to keep the menu bar, it's hard to find where they can *double-click to restore to window-size* (but again, single-click on restore button is easier than that):
- double-click on blank space of menu bar (which occupies title bar space) does nothing (which could be improved, in an ideal world)
- but you can double-click anywhere on the "free" background of tab bar (not the tabs itself) to restore. Iow words, when menu bar is shown, you can still double-click on blank space of *tab bar* to restore to window size (but it feels akward).
I do not see any problems of "intermittent" mouse focus.
Can you try things out again using my information above?
If you still think mouse focus is "intermittent", can you add screenshot and indicate areas where focus does not work for you?
Remember that even with traditional title bars, you cannot drag a maximized window (not on WinXP at least, but perhaps there's new functionality in Win7?)
I think your bug reports mostly points to shortcomings in our documentation (
while we explain the disappearance of the menu bar (for new users), we don't explain the disappearance of the title bar (for everybody), nor how to get it back for those users who want to keep it.
Updated•12 years ago
Summary: TB17 Problem- after update to 17, no header at top and intermittent mouse focus → TB17: missing title bar and window won't take focus from mouse when trying to drag it
Comment 2•12 years ago
(In reply to Thomas D. from comment #1)
> If you still think mouse focus is "intermittent", can you add screenshot and
> indicate areas where focus does not work for you?
> Remember that even with traditional title bars, you cannot drag a maximized
> window (not on WinXP at least, but perhaps there's new functionality in
> Win7?)
Indeed there is, Windows 7 comes with new title bar / window handling functionality called SNAP (1). Check out the demo videos in (1) and (2) to see the functionality in action.
a) dragging the title bar of a restored window upwards beyond screen border will maximize it (2)
b) dragging the title bar of a maximized window downwards will restore it to window size (2) ("To return the window to its original size, drag the title bar of the window away from the top of the screen.")
c) and other tricks like placing windows side by side (1)
I think reporter sees problem when trying b).
We should verify TB's UX/behaviour for scenario b) on Win7, with and without menu bar:
- starting from maximized TB with menu bar, does dragging menu bar downwards do anything?
- maximized TB, does dragging blankspace of tabbar downwards do anything?
Summary: TB17: missing title bar and window won't take focus from mouse when trying to drag it → TB17: missing title bar and window won't take focus from mouse when trying to drag it (need to test TB-UX of Win7 Snap feature)
Updated•12 years ago
Comment 3•12 years ago
David, you can choose by two solutions:
- Uncheck in menu View/Toolbars/Menu Bar. Then the tabs are drawn in the title bar and the whole space above and aside of the tabs are acting as the standard title bar for selecting, moving, double-clicking etc. If you need the menu, press ALT and it appears. With this setting you gain some space for the content. You can also use the button on the right of the main tool bar for the menu usage instead pressing ALT. You can also move this button on the tool bars where you want.
- You can take back the title bar as it was before TB 17 by disable draw in titlebar through Tools/Options.../Advanced/General and click on Config Editor... Then say yes to the warning and search for mail.tabs.drawInTitlebar. Double click it to change to false. Immediately the titlebar should appear as before TB 17.
In Bug 813638 we change the display of the active/inactive window appearance.
I now understand "Mozilla Thunderbird" has been removed by design- good, no problem.
I now understand all about the "mouse focus/ability to drag window on desktop" situation. First, the problem is not intermittent. There is a "dead space" area that will not respond to the mouse when attempting to drag the window on the desktop- see attached picture showing dead space. Richard explains that this dead space is a button for draw in title bar text that is indeed visible when you are in Customize. Removing it in Customize does not return the area behind it to mouse response to dragging the TB window across the desktop- it turns out that the space to the right of the menu bar never had mouse response to dragging the TB window.
Making mail.tabs.drawInTitlebar False returns TB17 to the original blue Logo and "Inbox- Mozilla Thunderbird" bar, and the issue is not apparent because one would probably click in that area to drag the TB window on the desktop.
Summary of issue:
Pre TB17, the Logo and "Inbox- Mozilla Thunderbird" bar was visible, and users are accustomed to dragging the TB window on the desktop by clicking on the middle of the top of the window (the blue bar).
In TB17, if the blue "Inbox-...." bar is turned off, one, by habit, tries to drag the TB window by clicking in the middle of the top of the window, which is a text button/dead space, and it does not work.
Possible solution: Make space behind Menu Bar items hot to window drag, and default should be no text box in that area. In addition, if an empty text box is in that area, it should be identifiable in some way.
Comment 7•12 years ago
I can't get mouse drag to move the window to work *at all*, without setting mail.tabs.drawInTitlebar to false. Right-clicking on the taskbar and selecting "Move" doesn't work. It doesn't matter if the menu bar is on or not.
Comment 8•12 years ago
I'd like to add that it is now very annoying to use Thunderbird with multiple monitors in Windows. With windows 7, you can quickly drag a maximized window from one monitor to another by dragging the title bar. This convenient trick no longer works with Thunderbird because of this issue.
And if you're a programmer and you're still using a single monitor, I'd recommend getting a second one immediately. You'll get stuff done a lot faster. :)
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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