Closed Bug 818051 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Revision dashboard: Don't let items in the list wrap rows


( Graveyard :: Dashboards, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: sheppy, Unassigned)



(1 file)

Attached image Screen shot
It's gotten to the point where the date entry for each item in the list of revisions wraps across three lines of text in my browser, so that I can only see three items at a time. This isn't going to work at all. I need to see more items at a time than this or the dashboard is not useful. See the attached screenshot to see what I mean.
OK, the real issue here is that the comment column having long values causes the date column to become so narrow that it wraps repeatedly. While it's okay for the comment to wrap, the date should not. Can we set a minimum width for the date column to prevent that?
I think what I would like is: - on normal lines (with short name and short comment) |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | - on lines with long name or long comment: |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | | ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | -mixed, height of line depends of their content, not on others' content: |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | | ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | | ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas | Ohohoh! | On normal screens (640+), no horizontal scrolling should appear.
Mmmh, my lines were too large for bugzilla :-( Repost in a more readable way (I hope): I think what I would like is: - on normal lines (with short name and short comment) |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | - on lines with long name or long comment: |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | |ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | -mixed, height of line depends of their content, not on others' content: |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | |ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_very_long_url_that-wr|Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|No christmas pres | |aps_because_it_is_necessa| | |ents as we weren't| |ry.html | | | good boys. | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | |the_url_on_one_line |Dec 25th, 2012 00:00|Father_xmas|Ohohoh! | On normal screens (640+), no horizontal scrolling should appear.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: → Graveyard
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