Closed Bug 82994 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Reply / Fwd with attachment doesn't carry over body / addresses


(MailNews Core :: MIME, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: gareth.king, Assigned: bugzilla)


More description: If you try to reply or forward a message from an IMAP mailbox where the body has been downloaded but not the attachment (e.g. a larger attachment say 125 kb) then the body of the message and the addresses are not caryied over (e.g. get a blank new message). If the attachment is small (e.g. 36 kb) then it works as expected. Also if the complete email (with attachment) is downloaded it also works OK. Steps to reproduce: In an IMAP folder select a new message with a large attachment (e.g. 125 kb). CLick on the reply or forward button in the toolbar. Message compose window appears but message body and addresses not carried over. Expect: Message body and addresses to appear if reply. Message body, addresses and attachment to appear if forward.
over to ducarroz to investigate.
Assignee: sspitzer → ducarroz
Component: Mail Window Front End → MIME
QA Contact: esther → sheelar
Reporter, which build are you using? I tested this on 2001053009 commercial build on win98. I was able to reply and forward with an attachment which is not downloaded. I did see the body of the original message in the compose window carried over in both forwarding and replying. While forwarding I also see the body and the attachement. The addressee is not filled in case of forwarding a message. While replying I see the body of the message and the content type information below the body and the addresse is filled while replying. This is working for me on the above build. I tried attaching word document(word documents don't get downloaded) and also attached a .mov file 14MB and worked fine for me on the above build.
Sorry, my mistake - I was too impatient. Build 2001052404 Reply does work although I was confused because the compose window appears and then the whole message has to be downloaded from the IMAP server before the addresses and body get filled in. I was confused because I didn't notice that the message was being downloaded and therefore just thought that it wasn't working. As the attachment isn't sent when you reply does the whole message have to be downloaded? I assume that it would be a lot quicker if just the body was downloaded and used to populate the compose window when replying. If you forward a message then the compose window doesn't appear until the message is downloaded. This can take a long time with a big attachment and I'm not sure that this is better behaviour because you could assume that the forward button didn't work. For completion, if you are offline and forward or reply to an IMAP message that hasn't been downloaded (although the body has) you also get an empty compose window (which is a bit confusing). Perhaps in this case you should get a message box saying that you need to be online to do this. Although I would have thought if the body has been downloaded then you should be able to reply (not forward)? Perhaps the behavior should be that you get a message in the status bar that something is being downloaded and the compose window doesn't appear until it can be populated. This could be faster for a reply than forward as (presumably) only the body needs to be downloaded. What do you think? Gareth
Just to correct an inacuracy: > For completion, if you are offline and forward or reply to an IMAP message that > hasn't been downloaded (although the body has) you also get an empty compose > window (which is a bit confusing). Perhaps in this case you should get a message > box saying that you need to be online to do this. Although I would have thought > if the body has been downloaded then you should be able to reply (not forward)? You only get an empty compose window if you try to reply to a message that isn't downloaded (forward doesn't work - as you would expect).
Reporter, As per your comments in 2001-05-31 08:32 I am marking this bug as worksforme. As far as your request for a dlg when offline and etc. please log seperate bugs and select the component as offline to do so. Please don't combine 2 to 3 different problems in one bug. Log a separate bug for each one of them.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
verified worksforme.
Product: MailNews → Core
Product: Core → MailNews Core
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