Closed Bug 838251 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Show a count of distinct install times per signature


(Socorro :: Webapp, task, P1)


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: kairo, Assigned: brandon)


As we (intentionally) don't have identifiers of users/installations in crash reports, we usually take distinct install times as an approximation of how many installations are seeing an issue.

We should expose a count of distinct install times per signature in the UI, one way I can imagine that is to have an additional column in the product/version section of the Signature Summary where we list how many distinct installation time stamps we're seeing for this signature and product version.

Laura, as this is a pretty common request we're getting from release management, can we have this scheduled in a way that we get it rather early after the new UI has been shipped?
We should probably add this to the Signature Summary.
Target Milestone: --- → 40
FYI, I posted an SQL query of how I extracted that data for one case we had in bug 838603 comment #22 (I needed to use the reports table there as I actually wanted a match against app notes). One-off requests for that data can be done with queries like that until we get this implemented in the proper UI. :)
Assignee: nobody → bsavage
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: 40 → 43
Target Milestone: 43 → 44
Target Milestone: 44 → 46
One thing that might be a bit fiddly here is that this measure isn't fully additive between days, as if the same installation is crashing once every day, you get 1 installation counted if you analyze a 7-day example at once, but 7 if you add up per-day samples of the same data.

See below queries to see how this matters in practice:

breakpad=> SELECT version,COUNT(*) as crashes,COUNT(DISTINCT client_crash_date - install_age  * interval '1 second') as installations FROM reports WHERE product='Firefox' AND signature LIKE 'mozilla::dom::DocumentBinding::CreateInterfaceObjects%' AND utc_day_is(date_processed, '2013-04-28') GROUP BY version;
 version | crashes | installations 
 21.0    |   18377 |          7460
(1 row)

breakpad=> SELECT version,COUNT(*) as crashes,COUNT(DISTINCT client_crash_date - install_age  * interval '1 second') as installations FROM reports WHERE product='Firefox' AND signature LIKE 'mozilla::dom::DocumentBinding::CreateInterfaceObjects%' AND date_processed BETWEEN '2013-04-24' AND '2013-04-29' GROUP BY version;
 version | crashes | installations 
 21.0    |   44123 |         12495
(1 row)
After talking with KaiRo and espressive, we're going to meet to discuss the best way to proceed on displaying useful data for Crashkill. Meeting scheduled for next Tuesday.
Target Milestone: 46 → 47
Target Milestone: 47 → 48
Commit pushed to master at
Merge pull request #1258 from brandonsavage/bugzilla-upgrade

Updating the Bugzilla API from 1.1 to 1.3 in the default configuration. (Fixes Bug 838251)
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Wrong bug mentioned in the commit message. :(
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Target Milestone: 48 → 49
Commits pushed to master at
Adding middleware required for bug 838251.
Merge pull request #1267 from brandonsavage/bug838251-middleware

Adding middleware required for bug 838251.
Commits pushed to master at
Fixes Bug 838251 - Adds distinct install per signature to signature summary.
Merge pull request #353 from brandonsavage/bug838251

Fixes Bug 838251 - Adds distinct install per signature to signature summary
Closed: 12 years ago11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: 49 → 50
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