Bug 843570
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 11 years ago
Thunderbird crashes when opening specific messages @ mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | NS_DebugBreak_P | nsAString_internal::SetCapacity(unsigned int)
(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: yode.gps, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug)
(Keywords: crash, testcase-wanted, Whiteboard: [needs testcase])
Crash Data
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:18.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/18.0
Build ID: 20130201065344
Steps to reproduce:
Selected an email in my inbox panel.
Actual results:
Thunderbird crashed and the "Thunderbird crash report" window opened.
Expected results:
Viewing the email in the email panel.
Please note that I was able to prevent the crash by setting the "view>message body" to "plain text" whereas "original HTML" and "simple HTML" settings keep the bug repeating.
This only happens with some emails (maybe 1% of what I daily receive). When an email triggers the crash, it will do so 100% times when I try to read it. Emails that do not trigger the crash never do.
Can you post the crash report ID? It is in help->troubleshooting info->about:crashes
Here are the latest crashes I experienced this way :
bp-6d6c297c-2d08-474b-beab-ae6a42130222 22/02/2013 16:05
bp-999f9ace-800e-4eb4-aafc-b12b42130221 21/02/2013 15:08
bp-23da0bf9-a205-4afd-b4b3-93e862130221 21/02/2013 15:03
bp-ef01fa37-1dce-4fab-a9c9-adef02130221 21/02/2013 14:44
bp-76fd00e2-40dd-4576-bf89-1dfe82130221 21/02/2013 14:43
bp-b0ab1cb2-7c6b-44c9-83d2-94a682130221 21/02/2013 14:41
bp-bcdc1777-4b43-4911-9a8f-78c4f2130221 21/02/2013 14:32
bp-a18b0264-3bd3-4cfe-b2d1-90ca32130221 21/02/2013 14:31
bp-f38076d0-4fae-40c8-853d-5cc382130221 21/02/2013 14:27
bp-d42a73ee-db66-4937-90ad-85b622130221 21/02/2013 14:26
Comment 3•12 years ago
yode, thanks for the list of crashes. Can you attach a message which causes crash?
in all cases signature is @ mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | NS_DebugBreak_P | nsAString_internal::SetCapacity(unsigned int)
perhaps related to bug 837438
Severity: normal → critical
Crash Signature: [@ mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | NS_DebugBreak_P | nsAString_internal::SetCapacity(unsigned int) ]
Depends on: 837438
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash,
Summary: Thunderbird crashes when opening specific messages → Thunderbird crashes when opening specific messages @ mozalloc_abort(char const* const) | NS_DebugBreak_P | nsAString_internal::SetCapacity(unsigned int)
Comment 4•11 years ago
(In reply to Wayne Mery (:wsmwk) from comment #3)
> yode, Can you attach a message which causes crash?
Flags: needinfo?(yode.gps)
Comment 5•11 years ago
yode seems to be gone.
let's reopen bug when testcase becomes available
Closed: 11 years ago
Flags: needinfo?(yode.gps)
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Whiteboard: [needs testcase]
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