Closed Bug 84504 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

For 6.0/6.01 to current, langenus.xpi incorrectly identifies platform


(SeaMonkey :: Installer, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jimmykenlee, Assigned: ssu0262)


Build: 2001-06-07-06-0.9.1(WIN), 2001-06-07-03-0.9.1(MAC), 2001-06-07-04-0.9.1(LINUX) 1. From 6.0/6.01, open update.html for current release. For Windows, ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/2001-06-07-06-0.9.1/u pdate.html 2. Click Launch XPInstall button 3. Click OK button from Items to Install 4. Check Install.log from Netscape directory RESULT: Install.log says the platform is "unix". It is not clear if the proper information is installed. Install.platform is used in the install script, but 6.0/6.01 XPInstall engine does not know this property. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ftp://sweetlou/products/client/seamonkey/windows/32bit/x86/2001-06-07-06-0.9.1/x pi/langenus.xpi -- 06/07/2001 11:05:58 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** initInstall: platformNode=unix English (US) Language Pack -------------------------- ** initInstall: 0 ** fProgram: D:\6.0\Netscape 6\ ** addDirectory() returned: 0 [1/16] Installing: D:\6.0\Netscape 6\chrome\en-win.jar [2/16] Installing: D:\6.0\Netscape 6\chrome\en-unix.jar [3/16] Installing: D:\6.0\Netscape 6\chrome\en-mac.jar [4/16] Replacing: D:\6.0\Netscape 6\chrome\en-US.jar [5/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/global/ [6/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/communicator/ [7/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/messenger/ [8/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/editor/ [9/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/navigator/ [10/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/aim/ [11/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/necko/ [12/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/cookie/ [13/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/wallet/ [14/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-US.jar!/locale/en-US/net2phone/ [15/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-unix.jar!/locale/en-US/global-platform/ [16/16] Register Locale: jar:resource:/chrome/en-unix.jar!/locale/en-US/communicator-platform/ Install completed successfully, restart required ** performInstall() returned: 999 Finished Installation 06/07/2001 11:05:59 EXPECTED RESULT: "windows" is the correct platform detected in this example. The correct files are installed.
Nominating for beta. I am not sure if all the correct files are installed. I don't know the impact of this error, but it seems definitely wrong. We need som e international input to help measure the severity and impact of this discrepancy.
Keywords: nsbeta1
this is fixed.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Jimmy, this is fixed, verified on Mac and Windows- and code. The update.html for Linux only updates to beta1 so I did not want to verify for Linux until we discussed
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Component: Installer: XPI Packages → Installer
QA Contact: agracebush → general
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