Bug 850130
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 1 year ago
Helgrind warning about data race on mark bits
(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)
(Reporter: bent.mozilla, Unassigned)
==2865== Possible data race during write of size 8 at 0x148FCB70 by thread #1
==2865== Locks held: none
==2865== at 0x8F1E7FC: UnmarkGrayGCThing(void*) (Heap.h:703)
==2865== by 0x8F1EAC8: UnmarkGrayChildren(JSTracer*, void**, JSGCTraceKind) (Marking.cpp:1577)
==2865== by 0x8F243F7: void MarkInternal<js::types::TypeObject>(JSTracer*, js::types::TypeObject**) (Marking.cpp:176)
==2865== by 0x8F237D3: void js::gc::Mark<js::types::TypeObject>(JSTracer*, js::EncapsulatedPtr<js::types::TypeObject, unsigned long>*, char const*) (Marking.cpp:205)
==2865== by 0x8F112D7: js::gc::MarkTypeObject(JSTracer*, js::EncapsulatedPtr<js::types::TypeObject, unsigned long>*, char const*) (Marking.cpp:342)
==2865== by 0x8E01C58: js::ObjectImpl::markChildren(JSTracer*) (ObjectImpl.cpp:304)
==2865== by 0x8F1ACF4: js::gc::MarkChildren(JSTracer*, JSObject*) (Marking.cpp:945)
==2865== by 0x8F1E383: js::TraceChildren(JSTracer*, void*, JSGCTraceKind) (Marking.cpp:1456)
==2865== by 0x89BF1FD: JS_TraceChildren(JSTracer*, void*, JSGCTraceKind) (jsapi.cpp:2454)
==2865== by 0x8F1F0A2: JS::UnmarkGrayGCThingRecursively(void*, JSGCTraceKind) (Marking.cpp:1621)
==2865== by 0x65AB5D7: xpc_UnmarkGrayContext(JSContext*) (GCAPI.h:236)
==2865== by 0x6C9030D: nsXPConnect::Pop(JSContext**) (nsXPConnect.cpp:2132)
==2865== by 0x67A8051: mozilla::dom::workers::WorkerRunnable::Run() (WorkerPrivate.cpp:1625)
==2865== by 0x7D328B5: nsThread::ProcessNextEvent(bool, bool*) (nsThread.cpp:637)
==2865== by 0x7CB86C8: NS_ProcessPendingEvents_P(nsIThread*, unsigned int) (nsThreadUtils.cpp:188)
==2865== by 0x7CC4B62: mozilla::ShutdownXPCOM(nsIServiceManager*) (nsXPComInit.cpp:557)
==2865== by 0x7CC4926: NS_ShutdownXPCOM_P (nsXPComInit.cpp:513)
==2865== by 0x4056840: NS_ShutdownXPCOM (nsXPComStub.cpp:134)
==2865== by 0x40D7B2: main (xpcshell.cpp:1972)
==2865== This conflicts with a previous read of size 8 by thread #5
==2865== Locks held: none
==2865== at 0x8AFADAD: bool js::gc::Arena::finalize<js::types::TypeObject>(js::FreeOp*, js::gc::AllocKind, unsigned long) (Heap.h:678)
==2865== by 0x8AF1F5D: bool FinalizeTypedArenas<js::types::TypeObject>(js::FreeOp*, js::gc::ArenaHeader**, js::gc::ArenaList&, js::gc::AllocKind, js::SliceBudget&) (jsgc.cpp:418)
==2865== by 0x8ADB3E6: FinalizeArenas(js::FreeOp*, js::gc::ArenaHeader**, js::gc::ArenaList&, js::gc::AllocKind, js::SliceBudget&) (jsgc.cpp:463)
==2865== by 0x8ADF74B: js::gc::ArenaLists::backgroundFinalize(js::FreeOp*, js::gc::ArenaHeader*, bool) (jsgc.cpp:1395)
==2865== by 0x8AE3304: SweepBackgroundThings(JSRuntime*, bool) (jsgc.cpp:2207)
==2865== by 0x8AE490F: js::GCHelperThread::doSweep() (jsgc.cpp:2489)
==2865== by 0x8AE39A9: js::GCHelperThread::threadLoop() (jsgc.cpp:2333)
==2865== by 0x8AE3911: js::GCHelperThread::threadMain(void*) (jsgc.cpp:2312)
==2865== by 0x4097624: _pt_root (ptthread.c:192)
==2865== by 0x403032F: mythread_wrapper (hg_intercepts.c:219)
==2865== by 0x4A2CE99: start_thread (pthread_create.c:308)
==2865== by 0xB428CBC: clone (clone.S:112)
Looks like the main thread is calling UnmarkGrayGCThing while at the same time the GC thread is calling IsMarked on the same address.
Comment 1•12 years ago
It looks like the "previous read" is the finalization of a TypeObject.
Reporter | ||
Comment 2•12 years ago
(In reply to Andrew McCreight [:mccr8] from comment #1)
> It looks like the "previous read" is the finalization of a TypeObject.
Well, inlining messes up these stacks a little, but the finalize() call is calling IsMarked here (I think!):
Summary: Helgrind warning about data race on → Helgrind warning about data race on mark bits
Comment 3•12 years ago
My guess without knowing anything about this code would be that finalization is checking if an object's black bit is set at the same time as UnmarkGray is running. If the object is black, that wouldn't seem like it would matter, as gray also has the black bit set. If the object doesn't have its mark bit set, I assume it would be dead, and thus wouldn't have UnmarkGray set on it?
Yeah, this is safe. We should annotate the access in js::gc::Arena::finalize.
Assignee | ||
Updated•11 years ago
Assignee: general → nobody
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
Updated•1 year ago
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
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