Closed Bug 854875 Opened 12 years ago Closed 6 months ago

IonMonkey: Specialize TI information during inlining


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect)






(Reporter: h4writer, Unassigned)



Deltablue consists out of two parts: - chainTest - projectionTest On both parts tested separately we are close to V8. But when combining we loose speed. I already did some investigating. When projectionTest is run before chainTest (even only once), the performance of chainTest will go down. That is because we loose the types for the function - BinaryConstraint.prototype.markUnsatisfied - Plan.prototype.addConstraint Both normally have only 3-4 objects as input, but suddenly they are transformed in an AnyObject, with no real reason. I've pinpointed when it happens to: #0 this.removePropagateFrom #1 Plan.prototype.addConstraint #2 planner.incrementalRemove #3 edit.destroyConstraint #4 change #5 projectionTest This only happens with IonMonkey
Blocks: 768739
When looking deeper into it, this is probably related to the extra TypeObjects that are added to the SSA information. chainTest and projectionTest use the same functions, but with other objects. I.e. when running a part separately the inputs to a function is a specific TypeObject. When running both, there are now 2 TypeObjects. I.e. we can't optimize that much. I think bug 804676 (rm ScriptAnalysis::analyzeTypes) could possible make it possible to improve the situation. Than we can reason about types in IM and maybe see that a callsite only uses a specific TypeObject and when inlining only use the intersection between caller types and callee types to optimize the inlined function.
Summary: IonMonkey: Deltablue loosing specific TI information → IonMonkey: Specialize TI information during inlining
At max this would be a win of 10% on v8-deltablue. This is measured by duplicating all functions to be different between chainTest and projectionTest.
Depends on: 804676
There was a 10% improvement on v8-deltablue due to bug 804676. I thought this would be related to this bug, since now we only look at the callers typeset and not to callees typeset anymore. This isn't the case. I redid the experiment and duplicated all functions different between chainTest and projectionTest and found out it increase the potential of this bug. This can now be a potential 20% improvement.
Assignee: general → nobody
Severity: normal → S3

TI is gone now. But is this bug still relavent?

Flags: needinfo?(jdemooij)

Conceptually I think this is a little like trial inlining. In any case, TI is completely gone, so this is no longer relevant.

Closed: 6 months ago
Flags: needinfo?(jdemooij)
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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